bootstrap-slider [![Build Status](]( [![Code Climate](]( ================ Originally began as a loose "fork" of bootstrap-slider found on by Stefan Petre. Over time, this project has diverged sigfinicantly from Stefan Petre's version and is now almost completely different. __Please ensure that you are using this library instead of the Petre version before creating issues in the repository issue tracker!!__ Installation ============ Want to use bower? `bower install seiyria-bootstrap-slider` Want to use npm? `npm install bootstrap-slider` Want to get it from a CDN? Basic Setup ============ Grab the compiled JS/CSS (minified or non-minified versions) from the [/dist]( directory, load them into your web page, and everything should work! Remember to load the plugin code after loading the Bootstrap CSS and JQuery. __JQuery is optional and the plugin can operate with or without it.__ Look below to see an example of how to interact with the non-JQuery interface. Supported Browsers ======== __We only support modern browsers!!! Basically, anything below IE9 is not compatible with this plugin!__ Examples ======== You can see all of our API examples [here]( Using bootstrap-slider (with JQuery) ====================== ### Using `.slider` namespace Create an input element and call .slider() on it: ```js // Instantiate a slider var mySlider = $("input.slider").slider(); // Call a method on the slider var value = mySlider.slider('getValue'); // For non-getter methods, you can chain together commands mySlider .slider('setValue', 5) .slider('setValue', 7); ``` ### Using `.bootstrapSlider` namespace Create an input element and call .bootstrapSlider() on it: ```js // Instantiate a slider var mySlider = $("input.slider").bootstrapSlider(); // Call a method on the slider var value = mySlider.bootstrapSlider('getValue'); // For non-getter methods, you can chain together commands mySlider .bootstrapSlider('setValue', 5) .bootstrapSlider('setValue', 7); ``` Using bootstrap-slider (via `data-provide`-API) ====================== Create an input element with the `data-provide="slider"` attribute automatically turns it into a slider. Options can be supplied via `data-slider-` attributes. ```html ``` What if there is already a _slider_ plugin bound to the JQuery namespace? ====================== If there is already a JQuery plugin named _slider_ bound to the JQuery namespace, then this plugin will emit a console warning telling you this namespace has already been taken and will encourage you to use the alternate namespace _bootstrapSlider_ instead. ```js // Instantiate a slider var mySlider = $("input.slider").bootstrapSlider(); // Call a method on the slider var value = mySlider.bootstrapSlider('getValue'); // For non-getter methods, you can chain together commands mySlider .bootstrapSlider('setValue', 5) .bootstrapSlider('setValue', 7); ``` Using bootstrap-slider (without JQuery) ====================== Create an input element in the DOM, and then create an instance of Slider, passing it a selector string referencing the input element. ```js // Instantiate a slider var mySlider = new Slider("input.slider", { // initial options object }); // Call a method on the slider var value = mySlider.getValue(); // For non-getter methods, you can chain together commands mySlider .setValue(5) .setValue(7); ``` Using as CommonJS module ======= bootstrap-slider can be loaded as a CommonJS module via [Browserify](, [Webpack](, or some other build tool. ```js var Slider = require("bootstrap-slider"); var mySlider = new Slider(); ``` How do I exclude the optional JQuery dependency from my build? ======= ### Browserify __Note that the JQuery dependency is considered to be optional.__ For example, to exclude JQuery from being part of your Browserify build, you would call something like the following (assuming `main.js` is requiring bootstrap-slider as a dependency): ```BASH browserify --im -u jquery main.js > bundle.js ``` ### Webpack To exclude JQuery from your Webpack build, you will have to go into the Webpack config file for your specific project and add something like the following to your `resolve.alias` section: ```js resolve: { alias: { "jquery": path.join(__dirname, "./jquery-stub.js"); } } ``` Then in your project, you will have to create a stub module for jquery that exports a `null` value. Whenever `require("jquery")` is mentioned in your project, it will load this stubbed module. ```js // Path: ./jquery-stub.js module.exports = null; ``` ### Other Please see the documentation for the specific module loader you are using to find out how to exclude dependencies. Options ======= Options can be passed either as a data (data-slider-foo) attribute, or as part of an object in the slider call. The only exception here is the formatter argument - that can not be passed as a data- attribute. | Name | Type | Default | Description | | ---- |:----:|:-------:|:----------- | | id | string | '' | set the id of the slider element when it's created | | min | float | 0 | minimum possible value | | max | float | 10 | maximum possible value | | step | float | 1 | increment step | | precision | float | number of digits after the decimal of _step_ value | The number of digits shown after the decimal. Defaults to the number of digits after the decimal of _step_ value. | | orientation | string | 'horizontal' | set the orientation. Accepts 'vertical' or 'horizontal' | | value | float,array | 5 | initial value. Use array to have a range slider. | | range | bool | false | make range slider. Optional if initial value is an array. If initial value is scalar, max will be used for second value. | | selection | string | 'before' | selection placement. Accepts: 'before', 'after' or 'none'. In case of a range slider, the selection will be placed between the handles | | tooltip | string | 'show' | whether to show the tooltip on drag, hide the tooltip, or always show the tooltip. Accepts: 'show', 'hide', or 'always' | | tooltip_split | bool | false | if false show one tootip if true show two tooltips one for each handler | | tooltip_position | string | null | Position of tooltip, relative to slider. Accepts 'top'/'bottom' for horizontal sliders and 'left'/'right' for vertically orientated sliders. Default positions are 'top' for horizontal and 'right' for vertical slider. | | handle | string | 'round' | handle shape. Accepts: 'round', 'square', 'triangle' or 'custom' | | reversed | bool | false | whether or not the slider should be reversed | | rtl | bool|string | 'auto' | whether or not the slider should be shown in rtl mode. Accepts true, false, 'auto'. Default 'auto' : use actual direction of HTML (`dir='rtl'`) | | enabled | bool | true | whether or not the slider is initially enabled | | formatter | function | returns the plain value | formatter callback. Return the value wanted to be displayed in the tooltip, useful for string values. If a string is returned it will be indicated in an `aria-valuetext` attribute. | | natural_arrow_keys | bool | false | The natural order is used for the arrow keys. Arrow up select the upper slider value for vertical sliders, arrow right the righter slider value for a horizontal slider - no matter if the slider was reversed or not. By default the arrow keys are oriented by arrow up/right to the higher slider value, arrow down/left to the lower slider value. | | ticks | array | [ ] | Used to define the values of ticks. Tick marks are indicators to denote special values in the range. This option overwrites min and max options. | | ticks_positions | array | [ ] | Defines the positions of the tick values in percentages. The first value should always be 0, the last value should always be 100 percent. | | ticks_labels | array | [ ] | Defines the labels below the tick marks. Accepts HTML input. | | ticks_snap_bounds | float | 0 | Used to define the snap bounds of a tick. Snaps to the tick if value is within these bounds. | | ticks_tooltip | bool | false | Used to allow for a user to hover over a given tick to see it's value. Useful if custom formatter passed in | | scale | string | 'linear' | Set to 'logarithmic' to use a logarithmic scale. | | focus | bool | false | Focus the appropriate slider handle after a value change. | | labelledby | string,array | null | ARIA labels for the slider handle's, Use array for multiple values in a range slider. | | rangeHighlights | array | [] | Defines a range array that you want to highlight, for example: [{'start':val1, 'end': val2, 'class': 'optionalAdditionalClassName'}]. | Functions ========= __NOTE:__ Optional parameters are italicized. | Function | Parameters | Description | | -------- | ----------- | ----------- | | getValue | --- | Get the current value from the slider | | setValue | newValue, _triggerSlideEvent_, _triggerChangeEvent_ | Set a new value for the slider. If optional triggerSlideEvent parameter is _true_, 'slide' events will be triggered. If optional triggerChangeEvent parameter is _true_, 'change' events will be triggered. This function takes `newValue` as either a `Number`, `String`, `Array`. If the value is of type `String` it must be convertable to an integer or it will throw an error.| | getElement | --- | Get the div slider element | | destroy | --- | Properly clean up and remove the slider instance | | disable | ---| Disables the slider and prevents the user from changing the value | | enable | --- | Enables the slider | | toggle | --- | Toggles the slider between enabled and disabled | | isEnabled | --- |Returns true if enabled, false if disabled | | setAttribute | attribute, value | Updates the slider's [attributes](#options) | | getAttribute | attribute | Get the slider's [attributes](#options) | | refresh | --- | Refreshes the current slider | | on | eventType, callback | When the slider event _eventType_ is triggered, the callback function will be invoked | | off | eventType, callback | Removes the callback function from the slider event _eventType_ | | relayout | --- | Renders the tooltip again, after initialization. Useful in situations when the slider and tooltip are initially hidden. | Events ====== | Event | Description | Value | | ----- | ----------- | ----- | | slide | This event fires when the slider is dragged | The new slider value | | slideStart | This event fires when dragging starts | The new slider value | | slideStop | This event fires when the dragging stops or has been clicked on | The new slider value | | change | This event fires when the slider value has changed | An object with 2 properties: "oldValue" and "newValue" | | slideEnabled | This event fires when the slider is enabled | N/A | | slideDisabled | This event fires when the slider is disabled | N/A | How Do I Run This Locally? ====== - Clone the repository - Run `nvm use` in your Terminal to switch to the proper Node/NPM version - Once you are on specified Node version, run `npm install` - Install the Grunt CLI: `npm install grunt-cli -g` - Type `grunt dev` to launch browser window with Examples page Grunt Tasks ====== This plugin uses Grunt as its command-line task runner. To install the Grunt CLI, type `npm install grunt-cli -g`. To execute any of the commands, type `grunt ` in your terminal instance. The following is a list of the commonly-used command line tasks: * `grunt development`: Generates the `index.html`, compiles the LESS/JS to the `/temp` directory, and launches the index.html in your system's default browser. As changes are made to source code, the browser window will auto-refresh. * `grunt production`: Generates the `/dist` directory with minified and unminified assetts. * `grunt dev`: Alias for `grunt development` * `grunt prod`: Alias for `grunt production` * `grunt build`: Transpiles JavaScript source via Babel and compiles LESS source to CSS to `temp` directory. * `grunt lint`: Runs JSLint on the JavaScript source code files, SASS-Lint on the SASS source code files, and LESSLint on the LESS source code files. * `grunt test`: Runs unit tests contained in `/test` directory via Jasmine 2.x.x Version Bumping and Publishing (Maintainers Only) ======= To do the following release tasks: * bump the version * publish a new version to NPM * update the `gh-pages` branch * push a new `dist` bundle to the `master` branch on the remote `origin` * push new tags to the remote `origin` Type the following command: `npm run release ` If you do not specify a version bump type, the script will automatically defer to a patch bump. Updating Page =========================== The page can be automatically updated by running the following command: `npm run update-gh-pages` This command will handle generating the latest versions of the JS/CSS and index.html page, and push them to the `gh-pages` branch. Other Platforms & Libraries =========================== - [Ruby on Rails]( - [knockout.js]( ([@cosminstefanxp](, [#81]( - [AngularJS]( - [EmberJS]( ([@ksnyde]( - [ReactJS]( - [NuGet]( ([@ChrisMissal]( - [MeteorJS]( - [Maven]( - [Vue.js]( ([@pimlie]( Maintainers ============ - Kyle Kemp * Twitter: [@seiyria]( * Github: [seiyria]( - Rohit Kalkur * Twitter: [@Rovolutionary]( * Github: [rovolution](