#Contributng to Classie [![Built with Grunt](https://cdn.gruntjs.com/builtwith.png)](http://gruntjs.com/) ##Dependencies && Tools Used Node v0.10.28 Grunt PhantomJS CasperJS JsHint JsBeautify Uglify Browserify Testem Plato Mocha #Setup `npm cache clean ` `sudo npm install -g phantomjs` `sudo npm install -g grunt-cli` `sudo npm install -g testem` `sudo npm install` Project --root * lib * classie.js * Tests * fixtures --html fixtures * unit --all unit tests ##Testem [Testem-repo](https://github.com/airportyh/testem) In order to run the test runner for your unit test use the testem command `testem --or` `testem ci --continuous intergration mode` `testem launchers --output the avaiable browsers` All configuration for the test runner is in `testem.json` you can copy http://localhost:7357 url and watch your test run in any browser ##Grunt Theres 2 grunt commands you can issue ###grunt `grunt` This command starts up a watch task It watch for changes on these folders and runs jshint/jsbeautify/uglify all scripts/.js all test/unit/.js ###Grunt coverage `grunt coverage` This task runs the plato task in the grunt config.. It will output a test/coverage folder with all your coverage reports for the JS files you have in your project. open the index file in test/coverage/index.html `index.html` ##JsBeautify `.jsbeautify` This file takes all your .js files and adds some predefinded styling conventions to the src files.. He helps keep style and continuity within a project of its src file and helps create a convention on how the code should be structured ##JsHint `.jshintrc` This is the file that hold a huge json configuration of all the hint options you would like to configure for the project.. See all possible options here [js-hint](http://www.jshint.com/docs/options/)