# -*- coding: utf-8 - # # This file is part of gunicorn released under the MIT license. # See the NOTICE for more information. # design: # a threaded worker accepts connections in the main loop, accepted # connections are are added to the thread pool as a connection job. On # keepalive connections are put back in the loop waiting for an event. # If no event happen after the keep alive timeout, the connectoin is # closed. from collections import deque from datetime import datetime import errno from functools import partial import os import socket import ssl import sys from threading import RLock import time from .. import http from ..http import wsgi from .. import util from . import base from .. import six try: import concurrent.futures as futures except ImportError: raise RuntimeError(""" You need to install the 'futures' package to use this worker with this Python version. """) try: from asyncio import selectors except ImportError: from gunicorn import selectors class TConn(object): def __init__(self, cfg, sock, client, server): self.cfg = cfg self.sock = sock self.client = client self.server = server self.timeout = None self.parser = None # set the socket to non blocking self.sock.setblocking(False) def init(self): self.sock.setblocking(True) if self.parser is None: # wrap the socket if needed if self.cfg.is_ssl: self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, server_side=True, **self.cfg.ssl_options) # initialize the parser self.parser = http.RequestParser(self.cfg, self.sock) def set_timeout(self): # set the timeout self.timeout = time.time() + self.cfg.keepalive def close(self): util.close(self.sock) def __lt__(self, other): return self.timeout < other.timeout __cmp__ = __lt__ class ThreadWorker(base.Worker): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ThreadWorker, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.worker_connections = self.cfg.worker_connections self.max_keepalived = self.cfg.worker_connections - self.cfg.threads # initialise the pool self.tpool = None self.poller = None self._lock = None self.futures = deque() self._keep = deque() self.nr_conns = 0 @classmethod def check_config(cls, cfg, log): max_keepalived = cfg.worker_connections - cfg.threads if max_keepalived <= 0 and cfg.keepalive: log.warning("No keepalived connections can be handled. " + "Check the number of worker connections and threads.") def init_process(self): self.tpool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.cfg.threads) self.poller = selectors.DefaultSelector() self._lock = RLock() super(ThreadWorker, self).init_process() def handle_quit(self, sig, frame): self.alive = False # worker_int callback self.cfg.worker_int(self) self.tpool.shutdown(False) time.sleep(0.1) sys.exit(0) def _wrap_future(self, fs, conn): fs.conn = conn self.futures.append(fs) fs.add_done_callback(self.finish_request) def enqueue_req(self, conn): conn.init() # submit the connection to a worker fs = self.tpool.submit(self.handle, conn) self._wrap_future(fs, conn) def accept(self, server, listener): try: sock, client = listener.accept() # initialize the connection object conn = TConn(self.cfg, sock, client, server) self.nr_conns += 1 # enqueue the job self.enqueue_req(conn) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.EAGAIN, errno.ECONNABORTED, errno.EWOULDBLOCK): raise def reuse_connection(self, conn, client): with self._lock: # unregister the client from the poller self.poller.unregister(client) # remove the connection from keepalive try: self._keep.remove(conn) except ValueError: # race condition return # submit the connection to a worker self.enqueue_req(conn) def murder_keepalived(self): now = time.time() while True: with self._lock: try: # remove the connection from the queue conn = self._keep.popleft() except IndexError: break delta = conn.timeout - now if delta > 0: # add the connection back to the queue with self._lock: self._keep.appendleft(conn) break else: self.nr_conns -= 1 # remove the socket from the poller with self._lock: try: self.poller.unregister(conn.sock) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.EBADF: raise except KeyError: # already removed by the system, continue pass # close the socket conn.close() def is_parent_alive(self): # If our parent changed then we shut down. if self.ppid != os.getppid(): self.log.info("Parent changed, shutting down: %s", self) return False return True def run(self): # init listeners, add them to the event loop for sock in self.sockets: sock.setblocking(False) # a race condition during graceful shutdown may make the listener # name unavailable in the request handler so capture it once here server = sock.getsockname() acceptor = partial(self.accept, server) self.poller.register(sock, selectors.EVENT_READ, acceptor) while self.alive: # notify the arbiter we are alive self.notify() # can we accept more connections? if self.nr_conns < self.worker_connections: # wait for an event events = self.poller.select(1.0) for key, mask in events: callback = key.data callback(key.fileobj) # check (but do not wait) for finished requests result = futures.wait(self.futures, timeout=0, return_when=futures.FIRST_COMPLETED) else: # wait for a request to finish result = futures.wait(self.futures, timeout=1.0, return_when=futures.FIRST_COMPLETED) # clean up finished requests for fut in result.done: self.futures.remove(fut) if not self.is_parent_alive(): break # hanle keepalive timeouts self.murder_keepalived() self.tpool.shutdown(False) self.poller.close() for s in self.sockets: s.close() futures.wait(self.futures, timeout=self.cfg.graceful_timeout) def finish_request(self, fs): if fs.cancelled(): self.nr_conns -= 1 fs.conn.close() return try: (keepalive, conn) = fs.result() # if the connection should be kept alived add it # to the eventloop and record it if keepalive: # flag the socket as non blocked conn.sock.setblocking(False) # register the connection conn.set_timeout() with self._lock: self._keep.append(conn) # add the socket to the event loop self.poller.register(conn.sock, selectors.EVENT_READ, partial(self.reuse_connection, conn)) else: self.nr_conns -= 1 conn.close() except: # an exception happened, make sure to close the # socket. self.nr_conns -= 1 fs.conn.close() def handle(self, conn): keepalive = False req = None try: req = six.next(conn.parser) if not req: return (False, conn) # handle the request keepalive = self.handle_request(req, conn) if keepalive: return (keepalive, conn) except http.errors.NoMoreData as e: self.log.debug("Ignored premature client disconnection. %s", e) except StopIteration as e: self.log.debug("Closing connection. %s", e) except ssl.SSLError as e: if e.args[0] == ssl.SSL_ERROR_EOF: self.log.debug("ssl connection closed") conn.sock.close() else: self.log.debug("Error processing SSL request.") self.handle_error(req, conn.sock, conn.client, e) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.EPIPE, errno.ECONNRESET): self.log.exception("Socket error processing request.") else: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: self.log.debug("Ignoring connection reset") else: self.log.debug("Ignoring connection epipe") except Exception as e: self.handle_error(req, conn.sock, conn.client, e) return (False, conn) def handle_request(self, req, conn): environ = {} resp = None try: self.cfg.pre_request(self, req) request_start = datetime.now() resp, environ = wsgi.create(req, conn.sock, conn.client, conn.server, self.cfg) environ["wsgi.multithread"] = True self.nr += 1 if self.alive and self.nr >= self.max_requests: self.log.info("Autorestarting worker after current request.") resp.force_close() self.alive = False if not self.cfg.keepalive: resp.force_close() elif len(self._keep) >= self.max_keepalived: resp.force_close() respiter = self.wsgi(environ, resp.start_response) try: if isinstance(respiter, environ['wsgi.file_wrapper']): resp.write_file(respiter) else: for item in respiter: resp.write(item) resp.close() request_time = datetime.now() - request_start self.log.access(resp, req, environ, request_time) finally: if hasattr(respiter, "close"): respiter.close() if resp.should_close(): self.log.debug("Closing connection.") return False except EnvironmentError: # pass to next try-except level six.reraise(*sys.exc_info()) except Exception: if resp and resp.headers_sent: # If the requests have already been sent, we should close the # connection to indicate the error. self.log.exception("Error handling request") try: conn.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) conn.sock.close() except EnvironmentError: pass raise StopIteration() raise finally: try: self.cfg.post_request(self, req, environ, resp) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception in post_request hook") return True