############################################################################## # Copyright 2009, Gerhard Weis # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ############################################################################## ''' This module defines a Duration class. The class Duration allows to define durations in years and months and can be used as limited replacement for timedelta objects. ''' from datetime import timedelta from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_FLOOR def fquotmod(val, low, high): ''' A divmod function with boundaries. ''' # assumes that all the maths is done with Decimals. # divmod for Decimal uses truncate instead of floor as builtin # divmod, so we have to do it manually here. a, b = val - low, high - low div = (a / b).to_integral(ROUND_FLOOR) mod = a - div * b # if we were not usig Decimal, it would look like this. # div, mod = divmod(val - low, high - low) mod += low return int(div), mod def max_days_in_month(year, month): ''' Determines the number of days of a specific month in a specific year. ''' if month in (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12): return 31 if month in (4, 6, 9, 11): return 30 if ((year % 400) == 0) or ((year % 100) != 0) and ((year % 4) == 0): return 29 return 28 class Duration(object): ''' A class which represents a duration. The difference to datetime.timedelta is, that this class handles also differences given in years and months. A Duration treats differences given in year, months separately from all other components. A Duration can be used almost like any timedelta object, however there are some restrictions: * It is not really possible to compare Durations, because it is unclear, whether a duration of 1 year is bigger than 365 days or not. * Equality is only tested between the two (year, month vs. timedelta) basic components. A Duration can also be converted into a datetime object, but this requires a start date or an end date. The algorithm to add a duration to a date is defined at http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#adding-durations-to-dateTimes ''' def __init__(self, days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0, months=0, years=0): ''' Initialise this Duration instance with the given parameters. ''' if not isinstance(months, Decimal): months = Decimal(str(months)) if not isinstance(years, Decimal): years = Decimal(str(years)) self.months = months self.years = years self.tdelta = timedelta(days, seconds, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, hours, weeks) def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) def __getattr__(self, name): ''' Provide direct access to attributes of included timedelta instance. ''' return getattr(self.tdelta, name) def __str__(self): ''' Return a string representation of this duration similar to timedelta. ''' params = [] if self.years: params.append('%d years' % self.years) if self.months: fmt = "%d months" if self.months <= 1: fmt = "%d month" params.append(fmt % self.months) params.append(str(self.tdelta)) return ', '.join(params) def __repr__(self): ''' Return a string suitable for repr(x) calls. ''' return "%s.%s(%d, %d, %d, years=%d, months=%d)" % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.tdelta.days, self.tdelta.seconds, self.tdelta.microseconds, self.years, self.months) def __hash__(self): ''' Return a hash of this instance so that it can be used in, for example, dicts and sets. ''' return hash((self.tdelta, self.months, self.years)) def __neg__(self): """ A simple unary minus. Returns a new Duration instance with all it's negated. """ negduration = Duration(years=-self.years, months=-self.months) negduration.tdelta = -self.tdelta return negduration def __add__(self, other): ''' Durations can be added with Duration, timedelta, date and datetime objects. ''' if isinstance(other, Duration): newduration = Duration(years=self.years + other.years, months=self.months + other.months) newduration.tdelta = self.tdelta + other.tdelta return newduration try: # try anything that looks like a date or datetime # 'other' has attributes year, month, day # and relies on 'timedelta + other' being implemented if (not(float(self.years).is_integer() and float(self.months).is_integer())): raise ValueError('fractional years or months not supported' ' for date calculations') newmonth = other.month + self.months carry, newmonth = fquotmod(newmonth, 1, 13) newyear = other.year + self.years + carry maxdays = max_days_in_month(newyear, newmonth) if other.day > maxdays: newday = maxdays else: newday = other.day newdt = other.replace(year=newyear, month=newmonth, day=newday) # does a timedelta + date/datetime return self.tdelta + newdt except AttributeError: # other probably was not a date/datetime compatible object pass try: # try if other is a timedelta # relies on timedelta + timedelta supported newduration = Duration(years=self.years, months=self.months) newduration.tdelta = self.tdelta + other return newduration except AttributeError: # ignore ... other probably was not a timedelta compatible object pass # we have tried everything .... return a NotImplemented return NotImplemented __radd__ = __add__ def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): newduration = Duration( years=self.years * other, months=self.months * other) newduration.tdelta = self.tdelta * other return newduration return NotImplemented __rmul__ = __mul__ def __sub__(self, other): ''' It is possible to subtract Duration and timedelta objects from Duration objects. ''' if isinstance(other, Duration): newduration = Duration(years=self.years - other.years, months=self.months - other.months) newduration.tdelta = self.tdelta - other.tdelta return newduration try: # do maths with our timedelta object .... newduration = Duration(years=self.years, months=self.months) newduration.tdelta = self.tdelta - other return newduration except TypeError: # looks like timedelta - other is not implemented pass return NotImplemented def __rsub__(self, other): ''' It is possible to subtract Duration objecs from date, datetime and timedelta objects. TODO: there is some weird behaviour in date - timedelta ... if timedelta has seconds or microseconds set, then date - timedelta != date + (-timedelta) for now we follow this behaviour to avoid surprises when mixing timedeltas with Durations, but in case this ever changes in the stdlib we can just do: return -self + other instead of all the current code ''' if isinstance(other, timedelta): tmpdur = Duration() tmpdur.tdelta = other return tmpdur - self try: # check if other behaves like a date/datetime object # does it have year, month, day and replace? if (not(float(self.years).is_integer() and float(self.months).is_integer())): raise ValueError('fractional years or months not supported' ' for date calculations') newmonth = other.month - self.months carry, newmonth = fquotmod(newmonth, 1, 13) newyear = other.year - self.years + carry maxdays = max_days_in_month(newyear, newmonth) if other.day > maxdays: newday = maxdays else: newday = other.day newdt = other.replace(year=newyear, month=newmonth, day=newday) return newdt - self.tdelta except AttributeError: # other probably was not compatible with data/datetime pass return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other): ''' If the years, month part and the timedelta part are both equal, then the two Durations are considered equal. ''' if isinstance(other, Duration): if (((self.years * 12 + self.months) == (other.years * 12 + other.months) and self.tdelta == other.tdelta)): return True return False # check if other con be compared against timedelta object # will raise an AssertionError when optimisation is off if self.years == 0 and self.months == 0: return self.tdelta == other return False def __ne__(self, other): ''' If the years, month part or the timedelta part is not equal, then the two Durations are considered not equal. ''' if isinstance(other, Duration): if (((self.years * 12 + self.months) != (other.years * 12 + other.months) or self.tdelta != other.tdelta)): return True return False # check if other can be compared against timedelta object # will raise an AssertionError when optimisation is off if self.years == 0 and self.months == 0: return self.tdelta != other return True def totimedelta(self, start=None, end=None): ''' Convert this duration into a timedelta object. This method requires a start datetime or end datetimem, but raises an exception if both are given. ''' if start is None and end is None: raise ValueError("start or end required") if start is not None and end is not None: raise ValueError("only start or end allowed") if start is not None: return (start + self) - start return end - (end - self)