"""Client Side Templating with `Google Closure Templates
Google Closure Templates is an external tool written in Java, which needs
to be available. One way to get it is to install the
`closure-soy `_ package::
pip install closure-soy
No configuration is necessary in this case.
You can also define a ``CLOSURE_TEMPLATES_PATH`` setting that
points to the ``.jar`` file. Otherwise, an environment variable by
the same name is tried. The filter will also look for a ``JAVA_HOME``
environment variable to run the ``.jar`` file, or will otherwise
assume that ``java`` is on the system path.
Supported configuration options:
A list of further options to be passed to the Closure compiler.
There are a lot of them.
For options which take values you want to use two items in the list::
['--inputPrefix', 'prefix']
import subprocess
import os
import tempfile
from webassets.exceptions import FilterError
from webassets.filter.jst import JSTemplateFilter
__all__ = ('ClosureTemplateFilter',)
class ClosureTemplateFilter(JSTemplateFilter):
name = 'closure_tmpl'
options = {
'extra_args': 'CLOSURE_EXTRA_ARGS',
def process_templates(self, out, hunks, **kw):
templates = [info['source_path'] for _, info in hunks]
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='.', delete=True)
args = ["--outputPathFormat", temp.name, '--srcs']
if self.extra_args:
def setup(self):
super(ClosureTemplateFilter, self).setup()
self.jar = self.get_config('CLOSURE_TEMPLATES_PATH',
what='Google Closure Soy Templates Compiler')
except EnvironmentError:
import closure_soy
self.jar = closure_soy.get_jar_filename()
except ImportError:
raise EnvironmentError(
"\nClosure Templates jar can't be found."
"\nPlease either install the closure package:"
"\n\n pip install closure-soy\n"
"\nor provide a CLOSURE_TEMPLATES_PATH setting "
"or an environment variable with the full path to "
"the Closure compiler jar."
super(ClosureTemplateFilter, self).setup()
def java_setup(self):
# We can reasonably expect that java is just on the path, so
# don't require it, but hope for the best.
path = self.get_config(env='JAVA_HOME', require=False)
if path is not None:
self.java = os.path.join(path, 'bin/java')
self.java = 'java'
def java_run(self, args):
proc = subprocess.Popen(
[self.java, '-jar', self.jar] + args,
# we cannot use the in/out streams directly, as they might be
# StringIO objects (which are not supported by subprocess)
shell=(os.name == 'nt'))
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode:
raise FilterError('%s: subprocess returned a '
'non-success result code: %s, stdout=%s, stderr=%s' % (
self.name, proc.returncode, stdout, stderr))