# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import print_function
import os, subprocess
from webassets.filter import Filter, register_filter
from webassets.exceptions import FilterError
class Jade(Filter):
"""Converts `Jade `_ templates to client-side
JavaScript functions.
Requires the Jade executable to be available externally. You can install it
using the `Node Package Manager `_::
$ npm install jade
Jade templates are compiled and stored in a window-level JavaScript object
under a key corresponding to the template file's basename. For example,
``keyboardcat.jade`` compiles into:
window.templates['keyboardcat'] = function() { ... };
Supported configuration options:
The system path to the Jade binary. If not set assumes ``jade`` is in
the system path.
The system path to the Jade runtime, ``runtime.js`` which ships with
Jade. If you installed Jade locally it can be found in:
Globally, on Ubuntu it's typically located in:
Or sometimes:
If, for some reason you can't find your Jade runtime you can download
it from the `Jade Repository `_::
but do take care to download the runtime version which matches the
version of your installed Jade.
Omits debugging information to output shorter functions.
The window-level JavaScript object where the compiled Jade objects will
be stored. By default this defaults to ``templates`` as such:
name = 'jade'
max_debug_level = None
options = {
'jade': 'JADE_BIN',
'jade_runtime': 'JADE_RUNTIME',
'jade_no_debug': 'JADE_NO_DEBUG',
argv = []
def setup(self):
Check options and apply defaults if necessary
super(Jade, self).setup()
self.argv = [self.jade or 'jade']
if self.jade_no_debug:
if not self.js_var:
self.js_var = 'templates'
def input(self, _in, out, **kwargs):
Compile individual Jade templates
proc = subprocess.Popen(self.argv,
shell=(os.name == 'nt'))
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(_in.read())
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise FilterError(('jade: subprocess returned a non-success ' +
'result code: %s, stdout=%s, stderr=%s')
% (proc.returncode, stdout, stderr))
elif stderr:
print('jade filter has warnings:', stderr)
# Add a bit of JavaScript that will place our compiled Jade function
# into an object on the `window` object. Jade files are keyed by their
# basename.
key = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(kwargs['source_path']))[0]
preamble = "window['%s']['%s'] = " % (self.js_var, key)
out.write('%s%s' % (preamble, stdout.strip()))
def output(self, _in, out, **kwargs):
Prepend Jade runtime and initialize template variable.
if self.jade_runtime:
with open(self.jade_runtime) as file:
runtime = ''.join(file.readlines())
runtime = ''
# JavaScript code to initialize the window-level object that will hold
# our compiled Jade templates as functions
init = "if(!window['%s']) { window['%s'] = {}; }" % (self.js_var, self.js_var)
out.write('%s\n%s\n%s' % (runtime, init, _in.read()))