import time import os, subprocess import tempfile from webassets.filter import Filter from webassets.exceptions import FilterError __all__ = ('Less',) class Less(Filter): """Converts `Less `_ markup to real CSS. This uses the old Ruby implementation available in the 1.x versions of the less gem. All 2.x versions of the gem are wrappers around the newer NodeJS/Javascript implementation, which you are generally encouraged to use, and which is available in webassets via the :class:`~.filter.less.Less` filter. This filter for the Ruby version is being kept around for backwards-compatibility. *Supported configuration options*: LESS_RUBY_PATH (binary) Path to the less executable used to compile source files. By default, the filter will attempt to run ``lessc`` via the system path. """ # XXX Deprecate this one. """ XXX: Depending on how less is actually used in practice, it might actually be a valid use case to NOT have this be a source filter, so that one can split the css files into various less files, referencing variables in other files' - without using @include, instead having them merged together by django-assets. This will currently not work because we compile each file separately, and the compiler would fail at undefined variables. """ name = 'less_ruby' options = { 'less': ('binary', 'LESS_RUBY_PATH') } max_debug_level = None def open(self, out, sourcePath, **kw): """Less currently doesn't take data from stdin, and doesn't allow us from stdout either. Neither does it return a proper non-0 error code when an error occurs, or even write to stderr (stdout instead)! Hopefully this will improve in the future: """ # TODO: Use NamedTemporaryFile. outtemp_name = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'assets_temp_%d.css' % int(time.time())) proc = subprocess.Popen( [self.less or 'lessc', sourcePath, outtemp_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, # shell: necessary on windows to execute # ruby files, but doesn't work on linux. shell=( == 'nt')) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() # less only writes to stdout, as noted in the method doc, but # check everything anyway. if stdout or stderr or proc.returncode != 0: if os.path.exists(outtemp_name): os.unlink(outtemp_name) raise FilterError(('less: subprocess had error: stderr=%s, '+ 'stdout=%s, returncode=%s') % ( stderr, stdout, proc.returncode)) outtemp = open(outtemp_name) try: out.write( finally: outtemp.close() os.unlink(outtemp_name)