import os import subprocess from webassets.exceptions import FilterError from .sass import Sass __all__ = ('NodeSass', ) class NodeSass(Sass): """Converts `Scss `_ markup to real CSS. This uses node-sass which is a wrapper around libsass. This is an alternative to using the ``sass`` or ``scss`` filters, which are based on the original, external tools. *Supported configuration options:* NODE_SASS_DEBUG_INFO (debug_info) Include debug information in the output If unset, the default value will depend on your :attr:`Environment.debug` setting. NODE_SASS_LOAD_PATHS (load_paths) Additional load paths that node-sass should use. NODE_SASS_STYLE (style) The style of the output CSS. Can be one of ``nested`` (default), ``compact``, ``compressed``, or ``expanded``. NODE_SASS_CLI_ARGS (cli_args) Additional cli arguments """ name = 'node-sass' options = { 'binary': 'NODE_SASS_BIN', 'debug_info': 'NODE_SASS_DEBUG_INFO', 'use_scss': ('scss', 'NODE_SASS_USE_SCSS'), 'as_output': 'NODE_SASS_AS_OUTPUT', 'load_paths': 'NODE_SASS_LOAD_PATHS', 'style': 'NODE_SASS_STYLE', 'cli_args': 'NODE_SASS_CLI_ARGS', } max_debug_level = None def _apply_sass(self, _in, out, cd=None): # Switch to source file directory if asked, so that this directory # is by default on the load path. We could pass it via --include-paths, but then # files in the (undefined) wd could shadow the correct files. old_dir = os.getcwd() if cd: os.chdir(cd) try: args = [self.binary or 'node-sass', '--output-style', or 'expanded'] if not self.use_scss: args.append("--indented-syntax") if (self.ctx.environment.debug if self.debug_info is None else self.debug_info): args.append('--debug-info') for path in self.load_paths or []: args.extend(['--include-path', path]) if (self.cli_args): args.extend(self.cli_args) proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, # shell: necessary on windows to execute # ruby files, but doesn't work on linux. shell=( == 'nt')) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate('utf-8')) if proc.returncode != 0: raise FilterError(('sass: subprocess had error: stderr=%s, '+ 'stdout=%s, returncode=%s') % ( stderr, stdout, proc.returncode)) elif stderr: print("node-sass filter has warnings:", stderr) out.write(stdout.decode('utf-8')) finally: if cd: os.chdir(old_dir) class NodeSCSS(NodeSass): """Version of the ``node-sass`` filter that uses the SCSS syntax. """ name = 'node-scss' def __init__(self, *a, **kw): assert not 'scss' in kw kw['scss'] = True super(NodeSCSS, self).__init__(*a, **kw)