from __future__ import with_statement import shlex from os import path, getcwd from webassets.filter import ExternalTool class RequireJSFilter(ExternalTool): ''' Optimizes AMD-style modularized JavaScript into a single asset using `RequireJS `_. This depends on the NodeJS executable ``r.js``; install via npm:: $ npm install -g requirejs Details on configuring r.js can be found at *Supported configuration options*: executable (env: REQUIREJS_BIN) Path to the RequireJS executable used to compile source files. By default, the filter will attempt to run ``r.js`` via the system path. config (env: REQUIREJS_CONFIG) The RequireJS options file. The path is taken to be relative to the (by defualt is /static). baseUrl (env: REQUIREJS_BASEURL) The ``baseUrl`` parameter to r.js; this is the directory that AMD modules will be loaded from. The path is taken relative to the (by defualt is /static). Typically, this is used in conjunction with a ``baseUrl`` parameter set in the `config` options file, where the baseUrl value in the config file is used for client-side processing, and the value here is for server-side processing. optimize (env: REQUIREJS_OPTIMIZE) The ``optimize`` parameter to r.js; controls whether or not r.js minifies the output. By default, it is enabled, but can be set to ``none`` to disable minification. The typical scenario to disable minification is if you do some additional processing of the JavaScript (such as removing ``console.log()`` lines) before minification by the ``rjsmin`` filter. extras (env: REQUIREJS_EXTRAS) Any other command-line parameters to be passed to r.js. The string is expected to be in unix shell-style format, meaning that quotes can be used to escape spaces, etc. run_in_debug (env: REQUIREJS_RUN_IN_DEBUG) Boolean which controls if the AMD requirejs is evaluated client-side or server-side in debug mode. If set to a truthy value (e.g. 'yes'), then server-side compilation is done, even in debug mode. The default is false. .. admonition:: Client-side AMD evaluation AMD modules can be loaded client-side without any processing done on the server-side. The advantage to this is that debugging is easier because the browser can tell you which source file is responsible for a particular line of code. The disadvantage is that it means that each loaded AMD module is a separate HTTP request. When running client-side, the client needs access to the `config` -- for this reason, when running in client-side mode, the webassets environment must be adjusted to include a reference to this configuration. Typically, this is done by adding something similar to the following during webassets initialization: .. code-block:: python if env.debug and not env.config.get('requirejs_run_in_debug', True): env['requirejs'].contents += ('requirejs-browser-config.js',) And the file ``requirejs-browser-config.js`` will look something like: .. code-block:: js require.config({baseUrl: '/static/script/'}); Set the `run_in_debug` option to control client-side or server-side compilation in debug. ''' name = 'requirejs' method = 'open' options = { 'executable' : ('executable', 'REQUIREJS_BIN'), 'config' : ('config', 'REQUIREJS_CONFIG'), 'baseUrl' : ('baseUrl', 'REQUIREJS_BASEURL'), 'optimize' : ('optimize', 'REQUIREJS_OPTIMIZE'), 'extras' : ('extras', 'REQUIREJS_EXTRAS'), 'run_in_debug' : ('run_in_debug', 'REQUIREJS_RUN_IN_DEBUG'), } max_debug_level = None def setup(self): super(RequireJSFilter, self).setup() # todo: detect if `r.js` is installed... if not self.run_in_debug: # Disable running in debug mode for this instance. self.max_debug_level = False if self.executable: self.argv = shlex.split(self.executable) else: self.argv = ['r.js'] if self.config: rel_config = path.join( path.relpath(, getcwd() ), self.config ) if not self.baseUrl: self.baseUrl = path.relpath(, getcwd() ) self.argv.extend( filter( None, ['-o', rel_config if self.config else None, 'name={modname}', 'out={{output}}', 'baseUrl=' + self.baseUrl if self.baseUrl else None, 'optimize=' + self.optimize if self.optimize else None, ]) ) if self.extras: self.argv.extend(shlex.split(self.extras)) def open(self, out, source_path, **kw): if self.ctx.debug and not self.run_in_debug: with open(source_path, 'rb') as fp: out.write( return # extract the AMD module name name = kw.get('source') if not name: base = path.abspath(self.baseUrl) name = path.abspath(source_path) if not name.startswith(base): raise ValueError( 'requested AMD script "%s" does not exist in baseUrl "%s"' % (source_path, self.baseUrl)) name = name[len(base) + 1:] kw['modname'] = path.splitext(name)[0] return super(RequireJSFilter, self).open(out, source_path, **kw)