""" Commonly useful validators. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from ._make import _AndValidator, and_, attrib, attrs __all__ = ["and_", "in_", "instance_of", "optional", "provides"] @attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True) class _InstanceOfValidator(object): type = attrib() def __call__(self, inst, attr, value): """ We use a callable class to be able to change the ``__repr__``. """ if not isinstance(value, self.type): raise TypeError( "'{name}' must be {type!r} (got {value!r} that is a " "{actual!r}).".format( name=attr.name, type=self.type, actual=value.__class__, value=value, ), attr, self.type, value, ) def __repr__(self): return "<instance_of validator for type {type!r}>".format( type=self.type ) def instance_of(type): """ A validator that raises a :exc:`TypeError` if the initializer is called with a wrong type for this particular attribute (checks are performed using :func:`isinstance` therefore it's also valid to pass a tuple of types). :param type: The type to check for. :type type: type or tuple of types :raises TypeError: With a human readable error message, the attribute (of type :class:`attr.Attribute`), the expected type, and the value it got. """ return _InstanceOfValidator(type) @attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True) class _ProvidesValidator(object): interface = attrib() def __call__(self, inst, attr, value): """ We use a callable class to be able to change the ``__repr__``. """ if not self.interface.providedBy(value): raise TypeError( "'{name}' must provide {interface!r} which {value!r} " "doesn't.".format( name=attr.name, interface=self.interface, value=value ), attr, self.interface, value, ) def __repr__(self): return "<provides validator for interface {interface!r}>".format( interface=self.interface ) def provides(interface): """ A validator that raises a :exc:`TypeError` if the initializer is called with an object that does not provide the requested *interface* (checks are performed using ``interface.providedBy(value)`` (see `zope.interface <https://zopeinterface.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_). :param zope.interface.Interface interface: The interface to check for. :raises TypeError: With a human readable error message, the attribute (of type :class:`attr.Attribute`), the expected interface, and the value it got. """ return _ProvidesValidator(interface) @attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True) class _OptionalValidator(object): validator = attrib() def __call__(self, inst, attr, value): if value is None: return self.validator(inst, attr, value) def __repr__(self): return "<optional validator for {what} or None>".format( what=repr(self.validator) ) def optional(validator): """ A validator that makes an attribute optional. An optional attribute is one which can be set to ``None`` in addition to satisfying the requirements of the sub-validator. :param validator: A validator (or a list of validators) that is used for non-``None`` values. :type validator: callable or :class:`list` of callables. .. versionadded:: 15.1.0 .. versionchanged:: 17.1.0 *validator* can be a list of validators. """ if isinstance(validator, list): return _OptionalValidator(_AndValidator(validator)) return _OptionalValidator(validator) @attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True) class _InValidator(object): options = attrib() def __call__(self, inst, attr, value): try: in_options = value in self.options except TypeError: # e.g. `1 in "abc"` in_options = False if not in_options: raise ValueError( "'{name}' must be in {options!r} (got {value!r})".format( name=attr.name, options=self.options, value=value ) ) def __repr__(self): return "<in_ validator with options {options!r}>".format( options=self.options ) def in_(options): """ A validator that raises a :exc:`ValueError` if the initializer is called with a value that does not belong in the options provided. The check is performed using ``value in options``. :param options: Allowed options. :type options: list, tuple, :class:`enum.Enum`, ... :raises ValueError: With a human readable error message, the attribute (of type :class:`attr.Attribute`), the expected options, and the value it got. .. versionadded:: 17.1.0 """ return _InValidator(options) @attrs(repr=False, slots=False, hash=True) class _IsCallableValidator(object): def __call__(self, inst, attr, value): """ We use a callable class to be able to change the ``__repr__``. """ if not callable(value): raise TypeError("'{name}' must be callable".format(name=attr.name)) def __repr__(self): return "<is_callable validator>" def is_callable(): """ A validator that raises a :class:`TypeError` if the initializer is called with a value for this particular attribute that is not callable. .. versionadded:: 19.1.0 :raises TypeError: With a human readable error message containing the attribute (of type :class:`attr.Attribute`) name. """ return _IsCallableValidator() @attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True) class _DeepIterable(object): member_validator = attrib(validator=is_callable()) iterable_validator = attrib( default=None, validator=optional(is_callable()) ) def __call__(self, inst, attr, value): """ We use a callable class to be able to change the ``__repr__``. """ if self.iterable_validator is not None: self.iterable_validator(inst, attr, value) for member in value: self.member_validator(inst, attr, member) def __repr__(self): iterable_identifier = ( "" if self.iterable_validator is None else " {iterable!r}".format(iterable=self.iterable_validator) ) return ( "<deep_iterable validator for{iterable_identifier}" " iterables of {member!r}>" ).format( iterable_identifier=iterable_identifier, member=self.member_validator, ) def deep_iterable(member_validator, iterable_validator=None): """ A validator that performs deep validation of an iterable. :param member_validator: Validator to apply to iterable members :param iterable_validator: Validator to apply to iterable itself (optional) .. versionadded:: 19.1.0 :raises TypeError: if any sub-validators fail """ return _DeepIterable(member_validator, iterable_validator) @attrs(repr=False, slots=True, hash=True) class _DeepMapping(object): key_validator = attrib(validator=is_callable()) value_validator = attrib(validator=is_callable()) mapping_validator = attrib(default=None, validator=optional(is_callable())) def __call__(self, inst, attr, value): """ We use a callable class to be able to change the ``__repr__``. """ if self.mapping_validator is not None: self.mapping_validator(inst, attr, value) for key in value: self.key_validator(inst, attr, key) self.value_validator(inst, attr, value[key]) def __repr__(self): return ( "<deep_mapping validator for objects mapping {key!r} to {value!r}>" ).format(key=self.key_validator, value=self.value_validator) def deep_mapping(key_validator, value_validator, mapping_validator=None): """ A validator that performs deep validation of a dictionary. :param key_validator: Validator to apply to dictionary keys :param value_validator: Validator to apply to dictionary values :param mapping_validator: Validator to apply to top-level mapping attribute (optional) .. versionadded:: 19.1.0 :raises TypeError: if any sub-validators fail """ return _DeepMapping(key_validator, value_validator, mapping_validator)