"""Integration of the ``webassets`` library with Flask.""" from __future__ import print_function import logging from os import path from flask import _request_ctx_stack, current_app from flask.templating import render_template_string # We want to expose Bundle via this module. from webassets import Bundle from webassets.env import (BaseEnvironment, ConfigStorage, Resolver, env_options, url_prefix_join) from webassets.filter import Filter, register_filter from webassets.loaders import PythonLoader, YAMLLoader __version__ = (0, 12) # webassets core compatibility used in setup.py __webassets_version__ = ('>=0.11.1', ) __all__ = ( 'Environment', 'Bundle', 'FlaskConfigStorage', 'FlaskResolver', 'Jinja2Filter', ) class Jinja2Filter(Filter): """Will compile all source files as Jinja2 templates using the standard Flask contexts. """ name = 'jinja2' max_debug_level = None def __init__(self, context=None): super(Jinja2Filter, self).__init__() self.context = context or {} def input(self, _in, out, source_path, output_path, **kw): out.write(render_template_string(_in.read(), **self.context)) # Override the built-in ``jinja2`` filter that ships with ``webassets``. This # custom filter uses Flask's ``render_template_string`` function to provide all # the standard Flask template context variables. register_filter(Jinja2Filter) class FlaskConfigStorage(ConfigStorage): """Uses the config object of a Flask app as the backend: either the app instance bound to the extension directly, or the current Flask app on the stack. Also provides per-application defaults for some values. Note that if no app is available, this config object is basically unusable - this is by design; this could also let the user set defaults by writing to a container not related to any app, which would be used as a fallback if a current app does not include a key. However, at least for now, I specifically made the choice to keep things simple and not allow global across-app defaults. """ def __init__(self, *a, **kw): self._defaults = {} ConfigStorage.__init__(self, *a, **kw) def _transform_key(self, key): if key.lower() in env_options: return "ASSETS_%s" % key.upper() else: return key.upper() def setdefault(self, key, value): """We may not always be connected to an app, but we still need to provide a way to the base environment to set it's defaults. """ try: super(FlaskConfigStorage, self).setdefault(key, value) except RuntimeError: self._defaults.__setitem__(key, value) def __contains__(self, key): return self._transform_key(key) in self.env._app.config def __getitem__(self, key): value = self._get_deprecated(key) if value: return value # First try the current app's config public_key = self._transform_key(key) if self.env._app: if public_key in self.env._app.config: return self.env._app.config[public_key] # Try a non-app specific default value if key in self._defaults: return self._defaults.__getitem__(key) # Finally try to use a default based on the current app deffunc = getattr(self, "_app_default_%s" % key, False) if deffunc: return deffunc() # We've run out of options raise KeyError() def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not self._set_deprecated(key, value): self.env._app.config[self._transform_key(key)] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.env._app.config[self._transform_key(key)] def get_static_folder(app_or_blueprint): """Return the static folder of the given Flask app instance, or module/blueprint. In newer Flask versions this can be customized, in older ones (<=0.6) the folder is fixed. """ if not hasattr(app_or_blueprint, 'static_folder'): # I believe this is for app objects in very old Flask # versions that did not support custom static folders. return path.join(app_or_blueprint.root_path, 'static') if not app_or_blueprint.has_static_folder: # Use an exception type here that is not hidden by spit_prefix. raise TypeError(('The referenced blueprint %s has no static ' 'folder.') % app_or_blueprint) return app_or_blueprint.static_folder class FlaskResolver(Resolver): """Adds support for Flask blueprints. This resolver is designed to use the Flask staticfile system to locate files, by looking at directory prefixes (``foo/bar.png`` looks in the static folder of the ``foo`` blueprint. ``url_for`` is used to generate urls to these files. This default behaviour changes when you start setting certain standard *webassets* path and url configuration values: If a :attr:`Environment.directory` is set, output files will always be written there, while source files still use the Flask system. If a :attr:`Environment.load_path` is set, it is used to look up source files, replacing the Flask system. Blueprint prefixes are no longer resolved. """ def split_prefix(self, ctx, item): """See if ``item`` has blueprint prefix, return (directory, rel_path). """ app = ctx._app try: if hasattr(app, 'blueprints'): blueprint, name = item.split('/', 1) directory = get_static_folder(app.blueprints[blueprint]) endpoint = '%s.static' % blueprint item = name else: # Module support for Flask < 0.7 module, name = item.split('/', 1) directory = get_static_folder(app.modules[module]) endpoint = '%s.static' % module item = name except (ValueError, KeyError): directory = get_static_folder(app) endpoint = 'static' return directory, item, endpoint def use_webassets_system_for_output(self, ctx): return ctx.config.get('directory') is not None or \ ctx.config.get('url') is not None def use_webassets_system_for_sources(self, ctx): return bool(ctx.load_path) def search_for_source(self, ctx, item): # If a load_path is set, use it instead of the Flask static system. # # Note: With only env.directory set, we don't go to default; # Setting env.directory only makes the output directory fixed. if self.use_webassets_system_for_sources(ctx): return Resolver.search_for_source(self, ctx, item) # Look in correct blueprint's directory directory, item, endpoint = self.split_prefix(ctx, item) try: return self.consider_single_directory(directory, item) except IOError: # XXX: Hack to make the tests pass, which are written to not # expect an IOError upon missing files. They need to be rewritten. return path.normpath(path.join(directory, item)) def resolve_output_to_path(self, ctx, target, bundle): # If a directory/url pair is set, always use it for output files if self.use_webassets_system_for_output(ctx): return Resolver.resolve_output_to_path(self, ctx, target, bundle) # Allow targeting blueprint static folders directory, rel_path, endpoint = self.split_prefix(ctx, target) return path.normpath(path.join(directory, rel_path)) def resolve_source_to_url(self, ctx, filepath, item): # If a load path is set, use it instead of the Flask static system. if self.use_webassets_system_for_sources(ctx): return super(FlaskResolver, self).resolve_source_to_url(ctx, filepath, item) return self.convert_item_to_flask_url(ctx, item, filepath) def resolve_output_to_url(self, ctx, target): # With a directory/url pair set, use it for output files. if self.use_webassets_system_for_output(ctx): return Resolver.resolve_output_to_url(self, ctx, target) # Otherwise, behaves like all other flask URLs. return self.convert_item_to_flask_url(ctx, target) def convert_item_to_flask_url(self, ctx, item, filepath=None): """Given a relative reference like `foo/bar.css`, returns the Flask static url. By doing so it takes into account blueprints, i.e. in the aformentioned example, ``foo`` may reference a blueprint. If an absolute path is given via ``filepath``, it will be used instead. This is needed because ``item`` may be a glob instruction that was resolved to multiple files. If app.config("FLASK_ASSETS_USE_S3") exists and is True then we import the url_for function from flask_s3, otherwise we import url_for from flask directly. If app.config("FLASK_ASSETS_USE_CDN") exists and is True then we import the url_for function from flask. """ if ctx.environment._app.config.get("FLASK_ASSETS_USE_S3"): try: from flask_s3 import url_for except ImportError as e: print("You must have Flask S3 to use FLASK_ASSETS_USE_S3 option") raise e elif ctx.environment._app.config.get("FLASK_ASSETS_USE_CDN"): try: from flask_cdn import url_for except ImportError as e: print("You must have Flask CDN to use FLASK_ASSETS_USE_CDN option") raise e elif ctx.environment._app.config.get("FLASK_ASSETS_USE_AZURE"): try: from flask_azure_storage import url_for except ImportError as e: print("You must have Flask Azure Storage to use FLASK_ASSETS_USE_AZURE option") raise e else: from flask import url_for directory, rel_path, endpoint = self.split_prefix(ctx, item) if filepath is not None: filename = filepath[len(directory)+1:] else: filename = rel_path flask_ctx = None if not _request_ctx_stack.top: flask_ctx = ctx.environment._app.test_request_context() flask_ctx.push() try: url = url_for(endpoint, filename=filename) # In some cases, url will be an absolute url with a scheme and hostname. # (for example, when using werkzeug's host matching). # In general, url_for() will return a http url. During assets build, we # we don't know yet if the assets will be served over http, https or both. # Let's use // instead. url_for takes a _scheme argument, but only together # with external=True, which we do not want to force every time. Further, # this _scheme argument is not able to render // - it always forces a colon. if url and url.startswith('http:'): url = url[5:] return url finally: if flask_ctx: flask_ctx.pop() class Environment(BaseEnvironment): """This object is used to hold a collection of bundles and configuration. If it initialized with an instance of Flask application then webassets Jinja2 extension is automatically registered. """ config_storage_class = FlaskConfigStorage resolver_class = FlaskResolver def __init__(self, app=None): self.app = app super(Environment, self).__init__() if app: self.init_app(app) @property def _app(self): """The application object to work with; this is either the app that we have been bound to, or the current application. """ if self.app is not None: return self.app ctx = _request_ctx_stack.top if ctx is not None: return ctx.app try: from flask import _app_ctx_stack app_ctx = _app_ctx_stack.top if app_ctx is not None: return app_ctx.app except ImportError: pass raise RuntimeError('assets instance not bound to an application, '+ 'and no application in current context') # XXX: This is required because in a couple of places, webassets 0.6 # still access env.directory, at one point even directly. We need to # fix this for 0.6 compatibility, but it might be preferrable to # introduce another API similar to _normalize_source_path() for things # like the cache directory and output files. def set_directory(self, directory): self.config['directory'] = directory def get_directory(self): if self.config.get('directory') is not None: return self.config['directory'] return get_static_folder(self._app) directory = property(get_directory, set_directory, doc= """The base directory to which all paths will be relative to. """) def set_url(self, url): self.config['url'] = url def get_url(self): if self.config.get('url') is not None: return self.config['url'] return self._app.static_url_path url = property(get_url, set_url, doc= """The base url to which all static urls will be relative to.""") def init_app(self, app): app.jinja_env.add_extension('webassets.ext.jinja2.AssetsExtension') app.jinja_env.assets_environment = self def from_yaml(self, path): """Register bundles from a YAML configuration file""" bundles = YAMLLoader(path).load_bundles() for name in bundles: self.register(name, bundles[name]) def from_module(self, path): """Register bundles from a Python module""" bundles = PythonLoader(path).load_bundles() for name in bundles: self.register(name, bundles[name]) try: import flask_script as script except ImportError: pass else: import argparse from webassets.script import GenericArgparseImplementation, CommandError class FlaskArgparseInterface(GenericArgparseImplementation): """Subclass the CLI implementation to add a --parse-templates option.""" def _construct_parser(self, *a, **kw): super(FlaskArgparseInterface, self).\ _construct_parser(*a, **kw) self.parser.add_argument( '--jinja-extension', default='*.html', help='specify the glob pattern for Jinja extensions (default: *.html)') self.parser.add_argument( '--parse-templates', action='store_true', help='search project templates to find bundles') def _setup_assets_env(self, ns, log): env = super(FlaskArgparseInterface, self)._setup_assets_env(ns, log) if env is not None: if ns.parse_templates: log.info('Searching templates...') # Note that we exclude container bundles. By their very nature, # they are guaranteed to have been created by solely referencing # other bundles which are already registered. env.add(*[b for b in self.load_from_templates(env, ns.jinja_extension) if not b.is_container]) if not len(env): raise CommandError( 'No asset bundles were found. ' 'If you are defining assets directly within ' 'your templates, you want to use the ' '--parse-templates option.') return env def load_from_templates(self, env, jinja_extension): from webassets.ext.jinja2 import Jinja2Loader, AssetsExtension from flask import current_app as app # Use the application's Jinja environment to parse jinja2_env = app.jinja_env # Get the template directories of app and blueprints template_dirs = [path.join(app.root_path, app.template_folder)] for blueprint in app.blueprints.values(): if blueprint.template_folder is None: continue template_dirs.append( path.join(blueprint.root_path, blueprint.template_folder)) return Jinja2Loader(env, template_dirs, [jinja2_env], jinja_ext=jinja_extension).\ load_bundles() class ManageAssets(script.Command): """Manage assets.""" capture_all_args = True def __init__(self, assets_env=None, impl=FlaskArgparseInterface, log=None): self.env = assets_env self.implementation = impl self.log = log def run(self, args): """Runs the management script. If ``self.env`` is not defined, it will import it from ``current_app``. """ if not self.env: from flask import current_app self.env = current_app.jinja_env.assets_environment # Determine 'prog' - something like for example # "./manage.py assets", to be shown in the help string. # While we don't know the command name we are registered with # in Flask-Assets, we are lucky to be able to rely on the # name being in argv[1]. import sys, os.path prog = '%s %s' % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), sys.argv[1]) impl = self.implementation(self.env, prog=prog, log=self.log) return impl.main(args) __all__ = __all__ + ('ManageAssets',) try: import click from flask import cli except ImportError: pass else: def _webassets_cmd(cmd): """Helper to run a webassets command.""" from webassets.script import CommandLineEnvironment logger = logging.getLogger('webassets') logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) cmdenv = CommandLineEnvironment( current_app.jinja_env.assets_environment, logger ) getattr(cmdenv, cmd)() @click.group() def assets(): """Web assets commands.""" @assets.command() @cli.with_appcontext def build(): """Build bundles.""" _webassets_cmd('build') @assets.command() @cli.with_appcontext def clean(): """Clean bundles.""" _webassets_cmd('clean') @assets.command() @cli.with_appcontext def watch(): """Watch bundles for file changes.""" _webassets_cmd('watch') __all__ = __all__ + ('assets', 'build', 'clean', 'watch')