# -*- coding: utf-8 - # # This file is part of gunicorn released under the MIT license. # See the NOTICE for more information. from __future__ import print_function import errno import os import random import select import signal import sys import time import traceback from gunicorn.errors import HaltServer, AppImportError from gunicorn.pidfile import Pidfile from gunicorn import sock, systemd, util from gunicorn import __version__, SERVER_SOFTWARE class Arbiter(object): """ Arbiter maintain the workers processes alive. It launches or kills them if needed. It also manages application reloading via SIGHUP/USR2. """ # A flag indicating if a worker failed to # to boot. If a worker process exist with # this error code, the arbiter will terminate. WORKER_BOOT_ERROR = 3 # A flag indicating if an application failed to be loaded APP_LOAD_ERROR = 4 START_CTX = {} LISTENERS = [] WORKERS = {} PIPE = [] # I love dynamic languages SIG_QUEUE = [] SIGNALS = [getattr(signal, "SIG%s" % x) for x in "HUP QUIT INT TERM TTIN TTOU USR1 USR2 WINCH".split()] SIG_NAMES = dict( (getattr(signal, name), name[3:].lower()) for name in dir(signal) if name[:3] == "SIG" and name[3] != "_" ) def __init__(self, app): os.environ["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] = SERVER_SOFTWARE self._num_workers = None self._last_logged_active_worker_count = None self.log = None self.setup(app) self.pidfile = None self.systemd = False self.worker_age = 0 self.reexec_pid = 0 self.master_pid = 0 self.master_name = "Master" cwd = util.getcwd() args = sys.argv[:] args.insert(0, sys.executable) # init start context self.START_CTX = { "args": args, "cwd": cwd, 0: sys.executable } def _get_num_workers(self): return self._num_workers def _set_num_workers(self, value): old_value = self._num_workers self._num_workers = value self.cfg.nworkers_changed(self, value, old_value) num_workers = property(_get_num_workers, _set_num_workers) def setup(self, app): self.app = app self.cfg = app.cfg if self.log is None: self.log = self.cfg.logger_class(app.cfg) # reopen files if 'GUNICORN_FD' in os.environ: self.log.reopen_files() self.worker_class = self.cfg.worker_class self.address = self.cfg.address self.num_workers = self.cfg.workers self.timeout = self.cfg.timeout self.proc_name = self.cfg.proc_name self.log.debug('Current configuration:\n{0}'.format( '\n'.join( ' {0}: {1}'.format(config, value.value) for config, value in sorted(self.cfg.settings.items(), key=lambda setting: setting[1])))) # set enviroment' variables if self.cfg.env: for k, v in self.cfg.env.items(): os.environ[k] = v if self.cfg.preload_app: self.app.wsgi() def start(self): """\ Initialize the arbiter. Start listening and set pidfile if needed. """ self.log.info("Starting gunicorn %s", __version__) if 'GUNICORN_PID' in os.environ: self.master_pid = int(os.environ.get('GUNICORN_PID')) self.proc_name = self.proc_name + ".2" self.master_name = "Master.2" self.pid = os.getpid() if self.cfg.pidfile is not None: pidname = self.cfg.pidfile if self.master_pid != 0: pidname += ".2" self.pidfile = Pidfile(pidname) self.pidfile.create(self.pid) self.cfg.on_starting(self) self.init_signals() if not self.LISTENERS: fds = None listen_fds = systemd.listen_fds() if listen_fds: self.systemd = True fds = range(systemd.SD_LISTEN_FDS_START, systemd.SD_LISTEN_FDS_START + listen_fds) elif self.master_pid: fds = [] for fd in os.environ.pop('GUNICORN_FD').split(','): fds.append(int(fd)) self.LISTENERS = sock.create_sockets(self.cfg, self.log, fds) listeners_str = ",".join([str(l) for l in self.LISTENERS]) self.log.debug("Arbiter booted") self.log.info("Listening at: %s (%s)", listeners_str, self.pid) self.log.info("Using worker: %s", self.cfg.worker_class_str) # check worker class requirements if hasattr(self.worker_class, "check_config"): self.worker_class.check_config(self.cfg, self.log) self.cfg.when_ready(self) def init_signals(self): """\ Initialize master signal handling. Most of the signals are queued. Child signals only wake up the master. """ # close old PIPE if self.PIPE: [os.close(p) for p in self.PIPE] # initialize the pipe self.PIPE = pair = os.pipe() for p in pair: util.set_non_blocking(p) util.close_on_exec(p) self.log.close_on_exec() # initialize all signals [signal.signal(s, self.signal) for s in self.SIGNALS] signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self.handle_chld) def signal(self, sig, frame): if len(self.SIG_QUEUE) < 5: self.SIG_QUEUE.append(sig) self.wakeup() def run(self): "Main master loop." self.start() util._setproctitle("master [%s]" % self.proc_name) try: self.manage_workers() while True: self.maybe_promote_master() sig = self.SIG_QUEUE.pop(0) if len(self.SIG_QUEUE) else None if sig is None: self.sleep() self.murder_workers() self.manage_workers() continue if sig not in self.SIG_NAMES: self.log.info("Ignoring unknown signal: %s", sig) continue signame = self.SIG_NAMES.get(sig) handler = getattr(self, "handle_%s" % signame, None) if not handler: self.log.error("Unhandled signal: %s", signame) continue self.log.info("Handling signal: %s", signame) handler() self.wakeup() except StopIteration: self.halt() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.halt() except HaltServer as inst: self.halt(reason=inst.reason, exit_status=inst.exit_status) except SystemExit: raise except Exception: self.log.info("Unhandled exception in main loop", exc_info=True) self.stop(False) if self.pidfile is not None: self.pidfile.unlink() sys.exit(-1) def handle_chld(self, sig, frame): "SIGCHLD handling" self.reap_workers() self.wakeup() def handle_hup(self): """\ HUP handling. - Reload configuration - Start the new worker processes with a new configuration - Gracefully shutdown the old worker processes """ self.log.info("Hang up: %s", self.master_name) self.reload() def handle_term(self): "SIGTERM handling" raise StopIteration def handle_int(self): "SIGINT handling" self.stop(False) raise StopIteration def handle_quit(self): "SIGQUIT handling" self.stop(False) raise StopIteration def handle_ttin(self): """\ SIGTTIN handling. Increases the number of workers by one. """ self.num_workers += 1 self.manage_workers() def handle_ttou(self): """\ SIGTTOU handling. Decreases the number of workers by one. """ if self.num_workers <= 1: return self.num_workers -= 1 self.manage_workers() def handle_usr1(self): """\ SIGUSR1 handling. Kill all workers by sending them a SIGUSR1 """ self.log.reopen_files() self.kill_workers(signal.SIGUSR1) def handle_usr2(self): """\ SIGUSR2 handling. Creates a new master/worker set as a slave of the current master without affecting old workers. Use this to do live deployment with the ability to backout a change. """ self.reexec() def handle_winch(self): """SIGWINCH handling""" if self.cfg.daemon: self.log.info("graceful stop of workers") self.num_workers = 0 self.kill_workers(signal.SIGTERM) else: self.log.debug("SIGWINCH ignored. Not daemonized") def maybe_promote_master(self): if self.master_pid == 0: return if self.master_pid != os.getppid(): self.log.info("Master has been promoted.") # reset master infos self.master_name = "Master" self.master_pid = 0 self.proc_name = self.cfg.proc_name del os.environ['GUNICORN_PID'] # rename the pidfile if self.pidfile is not None: self.pidfile.rename(self.cfg.pidfile) # reset proctitle util._setproctitle("master [%s]" % self.proc_name) def wakeup(self): """\ Wake up the arbiter by writing to the PIPE """ try: os.write(self.PIPE[1], b'.') except IOError as e: if e.errno not in [errno.EAGAIN, errno.EINTR]: raise def halt(self, reason=None, exit_status=0): """ halt arbiter """ self.stop() self.log.info("Shutting down: %s", self.master_name) if reason is not None: self.log.info("Reason: %s", reason) if self.pidfile is not None: self.pidfile.unlink() self.cfg.on_exit(self) sys.exit(exit_status) def sleep(self): """\ Sleep until PIPE is readable or we timeout. A readable PIPE means a signal occurred. """ try: ready = select.select([self.PIPE[0]], [], [], 1.0) if not ready[0]: return while os.read(self.PIPE[0], 1): pass except select.error as e: if e.args[0] not in [errno.EAGAIN, errno.EINTR]: raise except OSError as e: if e.errno not in [errno.EAGAIN, errno.EINTR]: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() def stop(self, graceful=True): """\ Stop workers :attr graceful: boolean, If True (the default) workers will be killed gracefully (ie. trying to wait for the current connection) """ unlink = self.reexec_pid == self.master_pid == 0 and not self.systemd sock.close_sockets(self.LISTENERS, unlink) self.LISTENERS = [] sig = signal.SIGTERM if not graceful: sig = signal.SIGQUIT limit = time.time() + self.cfg.graceful_timeout # instruct the workers to exit self.kill_workers(sig) # wait until the graceful timeout while self.WORKERS and time.time() < limit: time.sleep(0.1) self.kill_workers(signal.SIGKILL) def reexec(self): """\ Relaunch the master and workers. """ if self.reexec_pid != 0: self.log.warning("USR2 signal ignored. Child exists.") return if self.master_pid != 0: self.log.warning("USR2 signal ignored. Parent exists.") return master_pid = os.getpid() self.reexec_pid = os.fork() if self.reexec_pid != 0: return self.cfg.pre_exec(self) environ = self.cfg.env_orig.copy() environ['GUNICORN_PID'] = str(master_pid) if self.systemd: environ['LISTEN_PID'] = str(os.getpid()) environ['LISTEN_FDS'] = str(len(self.LISTENERS)) else: environ['GUNICORN_FD'] = ','.join( str(l.fileno()) for l in self.LISTENERS) os.chdir(self.START_CTX['cwd']) # exec the process using the original environment os.execvpe(self.START_CTX[0], self.START_CTX['args'], environ) def reload(self): old_address = self.cfg.address # reset old environment for k in self.cfg.env: if k in self.cfg.env_orig: # reset the key to the value it had before # we launched gunicorn os.environ[k] = self.cfg.env_orig[k] else: # delete the value set by gunicorn try: del os.environ[k] except KeyError: pass # reload conf self.app.reload() self.setup(self.app) # reopen log files self.log.reopen_files() # do we need to change listener ? if old_address != self.cfg.address: # close all listeners [l.close() for l in self.LISTENERS] # init new listeners self.LISTENERS = sock.create_sockets(self.cfg, self.log) listeners_str = ",".join([str(l) for l in self.LISTENERS]) self.log.info("Listening at: %s", listeners_str) # do some actions on reload self.cfg.on_reload(self) # unlink pidfile if self.pidfile is not None: self.pidfile.unlink() # create new pidfile if self.cfg.pidfile is not None: self.pidfile = Pidfile(self.cfg.pidfile) self.pidfile.create(self.pid) # set new proc_name util._setproctitle("master [%s]" % self.proc_name) # spawn new workers for i in range(self.cfg.workers): self.spawn_worker() # manage workers self.manage_workers() def murder_workers(self): """\ Kill unused/idle workers """ if not self.timeout: return workers = list(self.WORKERS.items()) for (pid, worker) in workers: try: if time.time() - worker.tmp.last_update() <= self.timeout: continue except (OSError, ValueError): continue if not worker.aborted: self.log.critical("WORKER TIMEOUT (pid:%s)", pid) worker.aborted = True self.kill_worker(pid, signal.SIGABRT) else: self.kill_worker(pid, signal.SIGKILL) def reap_workers(self): """\ Reap workers to avoid zombie processes """ try: while True: wpid, status = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) if not wpid: break if self.reexec_pid == wpid: self.reexec_pid = 0 else: # A worker was terminated. If the termination reason was # that it could not boot, we'll shut it down to avoid # infinite start/stop cycles. exitcode = status >> 8 if exitcode == self.WORKER_BOOT_ERROR: reason = "Worker failed to boot." raise HaltServer(reason, self.WORKER_BOOT_ERROR) if exitcode == self.APP_LOAD_ERROR: reason = "App failed to load." raise HaltServer(reason, self.APP_LOAD_ERROR) worker = self.WORKERS.pop(wpid, None) if not worker: continue worker.tmp.close() self.cfg.child_exit(self, worker) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ECHILD: raise def manage_workers(self): """\ Maintain the number of workers by spawning or killing as required. """ if len(self.WORKERS.keys()) < self.num_workers: self.spawn_workers() workers = self.WORKERS.items() workers = sorted(workers, key=lambda w: w[1].age) while len(workers) > self.num_workers: (pid, _) = workers.pop(0) self.kill_worker(pid, signal.SIGTERM) active_worker_count = len(workers) if self._last_logged_active_worker_count != active_worker_count: self._last_logged_active_worker_count = active_worker_count self.log.debug("{0} workers".format(active_worker_count), extra={"metric": "gunicorn.workers", "value": active_worker_count, "mtype": "gauge"}) def spawn_worker(self): self.worker_age += 1 worker = self.worker_class(self.worker_age, self.pid, self.LISTENERS, self.app, self.timeout / 2.0, self.cfg, self.log) self.cfg.pre_fork(self, worker) pid = os.fork() if pid != 0: worker.pid = pid self.WORKERS[pid] = worker return pid # Process Child worker.pid = os.getpid() try: util._setproctitle("worker [%s]" % self.proc_name) self.log.info("Booting worker with pid: %s", worker.pid) self.cfg.post_fork(self, worker) worker.init_process() sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: raise except AppImportError as e: self.log.debug("Exception while loading the application", exc_info=True) print("%s" % e, file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(self.APP_LOAD_ERROR) except: self.log.exception("Exception in worker process"), if not worker.booted: sys.exit(self.WORKER_BOOT_ERROR) sys.exit(-1) finally: self.log.info("Worker exiting (pid: %s)", worker.pid) try: worker.tmp.close() self.cfg.worker_exit(self, worker) except: self.log.warning("Exception during worker exit:\n%s", traceback.format_exc()) def spawn_workers(self): """\ Spawn new workers as needed. This is where a worker process leaves the main loop of the master process. """ for i in range(self.num_workers - len(self.WORKERS.keys())): self.spawn_worker() time.sleep(0.1 * random.random()) def kill_workers(self, sig): """\ Kill all workers with the signal `sig` :attr sig: `signal.SIG*` value """ worker_pids = list(self.WORKERS.keys()) for pid in worker_pids: self.kill_worker(pid, sig) def kill_worker(self, pid, sig): """\ Kill a worker :attr pid: int, worker pid :attr sig: `signal.SIG*` value """ try: os.kill(pid, sig) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ESRCH: try: worker = self.WORKERS.pop(pid) worker.tmp.close() self.cfg.worker_exit(self, worker) return except (KeyError, OSError): return raise