# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # This code is original from jsmin by Douglas Crockford, it was translated to # Python by Baruch Even. It was rewritten by Dave St.Germain for speed. # # The MIT License (MIT) #· # Copyright (c) 2013 Dave St.Germain #· # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #· # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #· # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import unittest import jsmin class JsTests(unittest.TestCase): def _minify(self, js): return jsmin.jsmin(js) def assertEqual(self, thing1, thing2): if thing1 != thing2: print((repr(thing1), repr(thing2))) raise AssertionError return True def assertMinified(self, js_input, expected, **kwargs): minified = jsmin.jsmin(js_input, **kwargs) assert minified == expected, "\ngot: %r\nexp: %r" % (minified, expected) def testQuoted(self): js = r''' Object.extend(String, { interpret: function(value) { return value == null ? '' : String(value); }, specialChar: { '\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '\\': '\\\\' } }); ''' expected = r"""Object.extend(String,{interpret:function(value){return value==null?'':String(value);},specialChar:{'\b':'\\b','\t':'\\t','\n':'\\n','\f':'\\f','\r':'\\r','\\':'\\\\'}});""" self.assertMinified(js, expected) def testSingleComment(self): js = r'''// use native browser JS 1.6 implementation if available if (Object.isFunction(Array.prototype.forEach)) Array.prototype._each = Array.prototype.forEach; if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) Array.prototype.indexOf = function(item, i) { // hey there function() {// testing comment foo; //something something location = 'http://foo.com;'; // goodbye } //bye ''' expected = r"""if(Object.isFunction(Array.prototype.forEach)) Array.prototype._each=Array.prototype.forEach;if(!Array.prototype.indexOf)Array.prototype.indexOf=function(item,i){function(){foo;location='http://foo.com;';}""" self.assertMinified(js, expected) def testEmpty(self): self.assertMinified('', '') self.assertMinified(' ', '') self.assertMinified('\n', '') self.assertMinified('\r\n', '') self.assertMinified('\t', '') def testMultiComment(self): js = r""" function foo() { print('hey'); } /* if(this.options.zindex) { this.originalZ = parseInt(Element.getStyle(this.element,'z-index') || 0); this.element.style.zIndex = this.options.zindex; } */ another thing; """ expected = r"""function foo(){print('hey');} another thing;""" self.assertMinified(js, expected) def testLeadingComment(self): js = r"""/* here is a comment at the top it ends here */ function foo() { alert('crud'); } """ expected = r"""function foo(){alert('crud');}""" self.assertMinified(js, expected) def testBlockCommentStartingWithSlash(self): self.assertMinified('A; /*/ comment */ B', 'A;B') def testBlockCommentEndingWithSlash(self): self.assertMinified('A; /* comment /*/ B', 'A;B') def testLeadingBlockCommentStartingWithSlash(self): self.assertMinified('/*/ comment */ A', 'A') def testLeadingBlockCommentEndingWithSlash(self): self.assertMinified('/* comment /*/ A', 'A') def testEmptyBlockComment(self): self.assertMinified('/**/ A', 'A') def testBlockCommentMultipleOpen(self): self.assertMinified('/* A /* B */ C', 'C') def testJustAComment(self): self.assertMinified(' // a comment', '') def test_issue_bitbucket_10(self): js = ''' files = [{name: value.replace(/^.*\\\\/, '')}]; // comment A ''' expected = '''files=[{name:value.replace(/^.*\\\\/,'')}];A''' self.assertMinified(js, expected) def test_issue_bitbucket_10_without_semicolon(self): js = ''' files = [{name: value.replace(/^.*\\\\/, '')}] // comment A ''' expected = '''files=[{name:value.replace(/^.*\\\\/,'')}]\nA''' self.assertMinified(js, expected) def testRe(self): js = r''' var str = this.replace(/\\./g, '@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"/g, ''); return (/^[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]*$/).test(str); });''' expected = r"""var str=this.replace(/\\./g,'@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"/g,'');return(/^[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]*$/).test(str);});""" self.assertMinified(js, expected) def testIgnoreComment(self): js = r""" var options_for_droppable = { overlap: options.overlap, containment: options.containment, tree: options.tree, hoverclass: options.hoverclass, onHover: Sortable.onHover } var options_for_tree = { onHover: Sortable.onEmptyHover, overlap: options.overlap, containment: options.containment, hoverclass: options.hoverclass } // fix for gecko engine Element.cleanWhitespace(element); """ expected = r"""var options_for_droppable={overlap:options.overlap,containment:options.containment,tree:options.tree,hoverclass:options.hoverclass,onHover:Sortable.onHover} var options_for_tree={onHover:Sortable.onEmptyHover,overlap:options.overlap,containment:options.containment,hoverclass:options.hoverclass} Element.cleanWhitespace(element);""" self.assertMinified(js, expected) def testHairyRe(self): js = r""" inspect: function(useDoubleQuotes) { var escapedString = this.gsub(/[\x00-\x1f\\]/, function(match) { var character = String.specialChar[match[0]]; return character ? character : '\\u00' + match[0].charCodeAt().toPaddedString(2, 16); }); if (useDoubleQuotes) return '"' + escapedString.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'; return "'" + escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'"; }, toJSON: function() { return this.inspect(true); }, unfilterJSON: function(filter) { return this.sub(filter || Prototype.JSONFilter, '#{1}'); }, """ expected = r"""inspect:function(useDoubleQuotes){var escapedString=this.gsub(/[\x00-\x1f\\]/,function(match){var character=String.specialChar[match[0]];return character?character:'\\u00'+match[0].charCodeAt().toPaddedString(2,16);});if(useDoubleQuotes)return'"'+escapedString.replace(/"/g,'\\"')+'"';return"'"+escapedString.replace(/'/g,'\\\'')+"'";},toJSON:function(){return this.inspect(true);},unfilterJSON:function(filter){return this.sub(filter||Prototype.JSONFilter,'#{1}');},""" self.assertMinified(js, expected) def testLiteralRe(self): js = r""" myString.replace(/\\/g, '/'); console.log("hi"); """ expected = r"""myString.replace(/\\/g,'/');console.log("hi");""" self.assertMinified(js, expected) js = r''' return /^data:image\//i.test(url) || /^(https?|ftp|file|about|chrome|resource):/.test(url); ''' expected = r'''return /^data:image\//i.test(url)||/^(https?|ftp|file|about|chrome|resource):/.test(url);''' self.assertMinified(js, expected) def testNoBracesWithComment(self): js = r""" onSuccess: function(transport) { var js = transport.responseText.strip(); if (!/^\[.*\]$/.test(js)) // TODO: improve sanity check throw 'Server returned an invalid collection representation.'; this._collection = eval(js); this.checkForExternalText(); }.bind(this), onFailure: this.onFailure }); """ expected = r"""onSuccess:function(transport){var js=transport.responseText.strip();if(!/^\[.*\]$/.test(js)) throw'Server returned an invalid collection representation.';this._collection=eval(js);this.checkForExternalText();}.bind(this),onFailure:this.onFailure});""" self.assertMinified(js, expected) js_without_comment = r""" onSuccess: function(transport) { var js = transport.responseText.strip(); if (!/^\[.*\]$/.test(js)) throw 'Server returned an invalid collection representation.'; this._collection = eval(js); this.checkForExternalText(); }.bind(this), onFailure: this.onFailure }); """ self.assertMinified(js_without_comment, expected) def testSpaceInRe(self): js = r""" num = num.replace(/ /g,''); """ self.assertMinified(js, "num=num.replace(/ /g,'');") def testEmptyString(self): js = r''' function foo('') { } ''' self.assertMinified(js, "function foo(''){}") def testDoubleSpace(self): js = r''' var foo = "hey"; ''' self.assertMinified(js, 'var foo="hey";') def testLeadingRegex(self): js = r'/[d]+/g ' self.assertMinified(js, js.strip()) def testLeadingString(self): js = r"'a string in the middle of nowhere'; // and a comment" self.assertMinified(js, "'a string in the middle of nowhere';") def testSingleCommentEnd(self): js = r'// a comment\n' self.assertMinified(js, '') def testInputStream(self): try: from io import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO ins = StringIO(r''' function foo('') { } ''') outs = StringIO() m = jsmin.JavascriptMinify() m.minify(ins, outs) output = outs.getvalue() assert output == "function foo(''){}" def testUnicode(self): instr = '\u4000 //foo' expected = '\u4000' output = jsmin.jsmin(instr) self.assertEqual(output, expected) def testCommentBeforeEOF(self): self.assertMinified("//test\r\n", "") def testCommentInObj(self): self.assertMinified("""{ a: 1,//comment }""", "{a:1,}") def testCommentInObj2(self): self.assertMinified("{a: 1//comment\r\n}", "{a:1}") def testImplicitSemicolon(self): # return \n 1 is equivalent with return; 1 # so best make sure jsmin retains the newline self.assertMinified("return\na", "return\na") def test_explicit_semicolon(self): self.assertMinified("return;//comment\r\na", "return;a") def testImplicitSemicolon2(self): self.assertMinified("return//comment...\r\nar", "return\nar") def testImplicitSemicolon3(self): self.assertMinified("return//comment...\r\na", "return\na") def testSingleComment2(self): self.assertMinified('x.replace(/\//, "_")// slash to underscore', 'x.replace(/\//,"_")') def testSlashesNearComments(self): original = ''' { a: n / 2, } // comment ''' expected = '''{a:n/2,}''' self.assertMinified(original, expected) def testReturn(self): original = ''' return foo;//comment return bar;''' expected = 'return foo;return bar;' self.assertMinified(original, expected) original = ''' return foo return bar;''' expected = 'return foo\nreturn bar;' self.assertMinified(original, expected) def test_space_plus(self): original = '"s" + ++e + "s"' expected = '"s"+ ++e+"s"' self.assertMinified(original, expected) def test_no_final_newline(self): original = '"s"' expected = '"s"' self.assertMinified(original, expected) def test_space_with_regex_repeats(self): original = '/(NaN| {2}|^$)/.test(a)&&(a="M 0 0");' self.assertMinified(original, original) # there should be nothing jsmin can do here def test_space_with_regex_repeats_not_at_start(self): original = 'aaa;/(NaN| {2}|^$)/.test(a)&&(a="M 0 0");' self.assertMinified(original, original) # there should be nothing jsmin can do here def test_space_in_regex(self): original = '/a (a)/.test("a")' self.assertMinified(original, original) def test_brackets_around_slashed_regex(self): original = 'function a() { /\//.test("a") }' expected = 'function a(){/\//.test("a")}' self.assertMinified(original, expected) def test_angular_1(self): original = '''var /** holds major version number for IE or NaN for real browsers */ msie, jqLite, // delay binding since jQuery could be loaded after us.''' minified = jsmin.jsmin(original) self.assertTrue('var\nmsie' in minified) def test_angular_2(self): original = 'var/* comment */msie;' expected = 'var msie;' self.assertMinified(original, expected) def test_angular_3(self): original = 'var /* comment */msie;' expected = 'var msie;' self.assertMinified(original, expected) def test_angular_4(self): original = 'var /* comment */ msie;' expected = 'var msie;' self.assertMinified(original, expected) def test_angular_5(self): original = 'a/b' self.assertMinified(original, original) def testBackticks(self): original = '`test`' self.assertMinified(original, original, quote_chars="'\"`") original = '` test with leading whitespace`' self.assertMinified(original, original, quote_chars="'\"`") original = '`test with trailing whitespace `' self.assertMinified(original, original, quote_chars="'\"`") original = '''`test with a new line`''' self.assertMinified(original, original, quote_chars="'\"`") original = '''dumpAvStats: function(stats) { var statsString = ""; if (stats.mozAvSyncDelay) { statsString += `A/V sync: ${stats.mozAvSyncDelay} ms `; } if (stats.mozJitterBufferDelay) { statsString += `Jitter-buffer delay: ${stats.mozJitterBufferDelay} ms`; } return React.DOM.div(null, statsString);''' expected = 'dumpAvStats:function(stats){var statsString="";if(stats.mozAvSyncDelay){statsString+=`A/V sync: ${stats.mozAvSyncDelay} ms `;}\nif(stats.mozJitterBufferDelay){statsString+=`Jitter-buffer delay: ${stats.mozJitterBufferDelay} ms`;}\nreturn React.DOM.div(null,statsString);' self.assertMinified(original, expected, quote_chars="'\"`") def testBackticksExpressions(self): original = '`Fifteen is ${a + b} and not ${2 * a + b}.`' self.assertMinified(original, original, quote_chars="'\"`") original = '''`Fifteen is ${a + b} and not ${2 * a + "b"}.`''' self.assertMinified(original, original, quote_chars="'\"`") def testBackticksTagged(self): original = 'tag`Hello ${ a + b } world ${ a * b}`;' self.assertMinified(original, original, quote_chars="'\"`") def test_issue_bitbucket_16(self): original = """ f = function() { return /DataTree\/(.*)\//.exec(this._url)[1]; } """ self.assertMinified( original, 'f=function(){return /DataTree\/(.*)\//.exec(this._url)[1];}') def test_issue_bitbucket_17(self): original = "// hi\n/^(get|post|head|put)$/i.test('POST')" self.assertMinified(original, "/^(get|post|head|put)$/i.test('POST')") def test_issue_6(self): original = ''' respond.regex = { comments: /\/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*\//gi, urls: 'whatever' }; ''' expected = original.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '') self.assertMinified(original, expected) def test_issue_9(self): original = '\n'.join([ 'var a = \'hi\' // this is a comment', 'var a = \'hi\' /* this is also a comment */', 'console.log(1) // this is a comment', 'console.log(1) /* this is also a comment */', '1 // this is a comment', '1 /* this is also a comment */', '{} // this is a comment', '{} /* this is also a comment */', '"YOLO" /* this is a comment */', '"YOLO" // this is a comment', '(1 + 2) // comment', '(1 + 2) /* yup still comment */', 'var b' ]) expected = '\n'.join([ 'var a=\'hi\'', 'var a=\'hi\'', 'console.log(1)', 'console.log(1)', '1', '1', '{}', '{}', '"YOLO"', '"YOLO"', '(1+2)', '(1+2)', 'var b' ]) self.assertMinified(expected, expected) self.assertMinified(original, expected) def test_newline_between_strings(self): self.assertMinified('"yolo"\n"loyo"', '"yolo"\n"loyo"') def test_issue_10_comments_between_tokens(self): self.assertMinified('var/* comment */a', 'var a') def test_ends_with_string(self): self.assertMinified('var s = "s"', 'var s="s"') def test_short_comment(self): self.assertMinified('a;/**/b', 'a;b') def test_shorter_comment(self): self.assertMinified('a;/*/*/b', 'a;b') def test_block_comment_with_semicolon(self): self.assertMinified('a;/**/\nb', 'a;b') def test_block_comment_With_implicit_semicolon(self): self.assertMinified('a/**/\nvar b', 'a\nvar b') def test_issue_9_single_comments(self): original = ''' var a = "hello" // this is a comment a += " world" ''' self.assertMinified(original, 'var a="hello"\na+=" world"') def test_issue_9_multi_comments(self): original = ''' var a = "hello" /* this is a comment */ a += " world" ''' self.assertMinified(original, 'var a="hello"\na+=" world"') def test_issue_12_re_nl_if(self): original = ''' var re = /\d{4}/ if (1) { console.log(2); }''' self.assertMinified( original, 'var re=/\d{4}/\nif(1){console.log(2);}') def test_issue_12_re_nl_other(self): original = ''' var re = /\d{4}/ g = 10''' self.assertMinified(original , 'var re=/\d{4}/\ng=10') def test_preserve_copyright(self): original = ''' function this() { /*! Copyright year person */ console.log('hello!'); } /*! Copyright blah blah * * Some other text */ var a; ''' expected = """function this(){/*! Copyright year person */ console.log('hello!');}/*! Copyright blah blah * * Some other text */\n\nvar a;""" self.assertMinified(original, expected) def test_issue_14(self): original = 'return x / 1;' self.assertMinified(original, 'return x/1;') def test_issue_14_with_char_from_return(self): original = 'return r / 1;' self.assertMinified(original, 'return r/1;') class RegexTests(unittest.TestCase): def regex_recognise(self, js): if not jsmin.is_3: if jsmin.cStringIO and not isinstance(js, str): # strings can use cStringIO for a 3x performance # improvement, but unicode (in python2) cannot klass = jsmin.cStringIO.StringIO else: klass = jsmin.StringIO.StringIO else: klass = jsmin.io.StringIO ins = klass(js[2:]) outs = klass() jsmin.JavascriptMinify(ins, outs).regex_literal(js[0], js[1]) return outs.getvalue() def assert_regex(self, js_input, expected): assert js_input[0] == '/' # otherwise we should not be testing! recognised = self.regex_recognise(js_input) assert recognised == expected, "\n in: %r\ngot: %r\nexp: %r" % (js_input, recognised, expected) def test_simple(self): self.assert_regex('/123/g', '/123/') def test_character_class(self): self.assert_regex('/a[0-9]b/g', '/a[0-9]b/') def test_character_class_with_slash(self): self.assert_regex('/a[/]b/g', '/a[/]b/') def test_escaped_forward_slash(self): self.assert_regex(r'/a\/b/g', r'/a\/b/') def test_escaped_back_slash(self): self.assert_regex(r'/a\\/g', r'/a\\/') def test_empty_character_class(self): # This one is subtle: an empty character class is not allowed, afaics # from http://regexpal.com/ Chrome Version 44.0.2403.155 (64-bit) Mac # so this char class is interpreted as containing ]/ *not* as char # class [] followed by end-of-regex /. self.assert_regex('/a[]/]b/g', '/a[]/]b/') def test_precedence_of_parens(self): # judging from # http://regexpal.com/ Chrome Version 44.0.2403.155 (64-bit) Mac # () have lower precedence than [] self.assert_regex('/a([)])b/g', '/a([)])b/') self.assert_regex('/a[(]b/g', '/a[(]b/') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()