# -*- Mode: Python -*- # $Id: filesys.py,v 1.9 2003/12/24 16:10:56 akuchling Exp $ # Author: Sam Rushing # # Generic filesystem interface. # # We want to provide a complete wrapper around any and all # filesystem operations. # this class is really just for documentation, # identifying the API for a filesystem object. # opening files for reading, and listing directories, should # return a producer. from supervisor.compat import long class abstract_filesystem: def __init__ (self): pass def current_directory (self): """Return a string representing the current directory.""" pass def listdir (self, path, long=0): """Return a listing of the directory at 'path' The empty string indicates the current directory. If 'long' is set, instead return a list of (name, stat_info) tuples """ pass def open (self, path, mode): """Return an open file object""" pass def stat (self, path): """Return the equivalent of os.stat() on the given path.""" pass def isdir (self, path): """Does the path represent a directory?""" pass def isfile (self, path): """Does the path represent a plain file?""" pass def cwd (self, path): """Change the working directory.""" pass def cdup (self): """Change to the parent of the current directory.""" pass def longify (self, path): """Return a 'long' representation of the filename [for the output of the LIST command]""" pass # standard wrapper around a unix-like filesystem, with a 'false root' # capability. # security considerations: can symbolic links be used to 'escape' the # root? should we allow it? if not, then we could scan the # filesystem on startup, but that would not help if they were added # later. We will probably need to check for symlinks in the cwd method. # what to do if wd is an invalid directory? import os import stat import re def safe_stat (path): try: return path, os.stat (path) except: return None class os_filesystem: path_module = os.path # set this to zero if you want to disable pathname globbing. # [we currently don't glob, anyway] do_globbing = 1 def __init__ (self, root, wd='/'): self.root = root self.wd = wd def current_directory (self): return self.wd def isfile (self, path): p = self.normalize (self.path_module.join (self.wd, path)) return self.path_module.isfile (self.translate(p)) def isdir (self, path): p = self.normalize (self.path_module.join (self.wd, path)) return self.path_module.isdir (self.translate(p)) def cwd (self, path): p = self.normalize (self.path_module.join (self.wd, path)) translated_path = self.translate(p) if not self.path_module.isdir (translated_path): return 0 else: old_dir = os.getcwd() # temporarily change to that directory, in order # to see if we have permission to do so. can = 0 try: try: os.chdir (translated_path) can = 1 self.wd = p except: pass finally: if can: os.chdir (old_dir) return can def cdup (self): return self.cwd ('..') def listdir (self, path, long=0): p = self.translate (path) # I think we should glob, but limit it to the current # directory only. ld = os.listdir (p) if not long: return list_producer (ld, None) else: old_dir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir (p) # if os.stat fails we ignore that file. result = [_f for _f in map (safe_stat, ld) if _f] finally: os.chdir (old_dir) return list_producer (result, self.longify) # TODO: implement a cache w/timeout for stat() def stat (self, path): p = self.translate (path) return os.stat (p) def open (self, path, mode): p = self.translate (path) return open (p, mode) def unlink (self, path): p = self.translate (path) return os.unlink (p) def mkdir (self, path): p = self.translate (path) return os.mkdir (p) def rmdir (self, path): p = self.translate (path) return os.rmdir (p) def rename(self, src, dst): return os.rename(self.translate(src),self.translate(dst)) # utility methods def normalize (self, path): # watch for the ever-sneaky '/+' path element path = re.sub('/+', '/', path) p = self.path_module.normpath (path) # remove 'dangling' cdup's. if len(p) > 2 and p[:3] == '/..': p = '/' return p def translate (self, path): # we need to join together three separate # path components, and do it safely. # // # use the operating system's path separator. path = os.sep.join(path.split('/')) p = self.normalize (self.path_module.join (self.wd, path)) p = self.normalize (self.path_module.join (self.root, p[1:])) return p def longify (self, path_stat_info_tuple): (path, stat_info) = path_stat_info_tuple return unix_longify (path, stat_info) def __repr__ (self): return '' % ( self.root, self.wd ) if os.name == 'posix': class unix_filesystem (os_filesystem): pass class schizophrenic_unix_filesystem (os_filesystem): PROCESS_UID = os.getuid() PROCESS_EUID = os.geteuid() PROCESS_GID = os.getgid() PROCESS_EGID = os.getegid() def __init__ (self, root, wd='/', persona=(None, None)): os_filesystem.__init__ (self, root, wd) self.persona = persona def become_persona (self): if self.persona is not (None, None): uid, gid = self.persona # the order of these is important! os.setegid (gid) os.seteuid (uid) def become_nobody (self): if self.persona is not (None, None): os.seteuid (self.PROCESS_UID) os.setegid (self.PROCESS_GID) # cwd, cdup, open, listdir def cwd (self, path): try: self.become_persona() return os_filesystem.cwd (self, path) finally: self.become_nobody() def cdup (self): try: self.become_persona() return os_filesystem.cdup (self) finally: self.become_nobody() def open (self, filename, mode): try: self.become_persona() return os_filesystem.open (self, filename, mode) finally: self.become_nobody() def listdir (self, path, long=0): try: self.become_persona() return os_filesystem.listdir (self, path, long) finally: self.become_nobody() # For the 'real' root, we could obtain a list of drives, and then # use that. Doesn't win32 provide such a 'real' filesystem? # [yes, I think something like this "\\.\c\windows"] class msdos_filesystem (os_filesystem): def longify (self, path_stat_info_tuple): (path, stat_info) = path_stat_info_tuple return msdos_longify (path, stat_info) # A merged filesystem will let you plug other filesystems together. # We really need the equivalent of a 'mount' capability - this seems # to be the most general idea. So you'd use a 'mount' method to place # another filesystem somewhere in the hierarchy. # Note: this is most likely how I will handle ~user directories # with the http server. class merged_filesystem: def __init__ (self, *fsys): pass # this matches the output of NT's ftp server (when in # MSDOS mode) exactly. def msdos_longify (file, stat_info): if stat.S_ISDIR (stat_info[stat.ST_MODE]): dir = '' else: dir = ' ' date = msdos_date (stat_info[stat.ST_MTIME]) return '%s %s %8d %s' % ( date, dir, stat_info[stat.ST_SIZE], file ) def msdos_date (t): try: info = time.gmtime (t) except: info = time.gmtime (0) # year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ... hour = info[3] if hour > 11: merid = 'PM' hour -= 12 else: merid = 'AM' return '%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d%s' % ( info[1], info[2], info[0]%100, hour, info[4], merid ) months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] mode_table = { '0':'---', '1':'--x', '2':'-w-', '3':'-wx', '4':'r--', '5':'r-x', '6':'rw-', '7':'rwx' } import time def unix_longify (file, stat_info): # for now, only pay attention to the lower bits mode = ('%o' % stat_info[stat.ST_MODE])[-3:] mode = ''.join([mode_table[x] for x in mode]) if stat.S_ISDIR (stat_info[stat.ST_MODE]): dirchar = 'd' else: dirchar = '-' date = ls_date (long(time.time()), stat_info[stat.ST_MTIME]) return '%s%s %3d %-8d %-8d %8d %s %s' % ( dirchar, mode, stat_info[stat.ST_NLINK], stat_info[stat.ST_UID], stat_info[stat.ST_GID], stat_info[stat.ST_SIZE], date, file ) # Emulate the unix 'ls' command's date field. # it has two formats - if the date is more than 180 # days in the past, then it's like this: # Oct 19 1995 # otherwise, it looks like this: # Oct 19 17:33 def ls_date (now, t): try: info = time.gmtime (t) except: info = time.gmtime (0) # 15,600,000 == 86,400 * 180 if (now - t) > 15600000: return '%s %2d %d' % ( months[info[1]-1], info[2], info[0] ) else: return '%s %2d %02d:%02d' % ( months[info[1]-1], info[2], info[3], info[4] ) # =========================================================================== # Producers # =========================================================================== class list_producer: def __init__ (self, list, func=None): self.list = list self.func = func # this should do a pushd/popd def more (self): if not self.list: return '' else: # do a few at a time bunch = self.list[:50] if self.func is not None: bunch = map (self.func, bunch) self.list = self.list[50:] return '\r\n'.join(bunch) + '\r\n'