#!/usr/bin/env python """supervisord -- run a set of applications as daemons. Usage: %s [options] Options: -c/--configuration FILENAME -- configuration file path (searches if not given) -n/--nodaemon -- run in the foreground (same as 'nodaemon=true' in config file) -h/--help -- print this usage message and exit -v/--version -- print supervisord version number and exit -u/--user USER -- run supervisord as this user (or numeric uid) -m/--umask UMASK -- use this umask for daemon subprocess (default is 022) -d/--directory DIRECTORY -- directory to chdir to when daemonized -l/--logfile FILENAME -- use FILENAME as logfile path -y/--logfile_maxbytes BYTES -- use BYTES to limit the max size of logfile -z/--logfile_backups NUM -- number of backups to keep when max bytes reached -e/--loglevel LEVEL -- use LEVEL as log level (debug,info,warn,error,critical) -j/--pidfile FILENAME -- write a pid file for the daemon process to FILENAME -i/--identifier STR -- identifier used for this instance of supervisord -q/--childlogdir DIRECTORY -- the log directory for child process logs -k/--nocleanup -- prevent the process from performing cleanup (removal of old automatic child log files) at startup. -a/--minfds NUM -- the minimum number of file descriptors for start success -t/--strip_ansi -- strip ansi escape codes from process output --minprocs NUM -- the minimum number of processes available for start success --profile_options OPTIONS -- run supervisord under profiler and output results based on OPTIONS, which is a comma-sep'd list of 'cumulative', 'calls', and/or 'callers', e.g. 'cumulative,callers') """ import os import time import signal from supervisor.medusa import asyncore_25 as asyncore from supervisor.compat import as_string from supervisor.options import ServerOptions from supervisor.options import signame from supervisor import events from supervisor.states import SupervisorStates from supervisor.states import getProcessStateDescription class Supervisor: stopping = False # set after we detect that we are handling a stop request lastshutdownreport = 0 # throttle for delayed process error reports at stop process_groups = None # map of process group name to process group object stop_groups = None # list used for priority ordered shutdown def __init__(self, options): self.options = options self.process_groups = {} self.ticks = {} def main(self): if not self.options.first: # prevent crash on libdispatch-based systems, at least for the # first request self.options.cleanup_fds() self.options.set_uid_or_exit() if self.options.first: self.options.set_rlimits_or_exit() # this sets the options.logger object # delay logger instantiation until after setuid self.options.make_logger() if not self.options.nocleanup: # clean up old automatic logs self.options.clear_autochildlogdir() self.run() def run(self): self.process_groups = {} # clear self.stop_groups = None # clear events.clear() try: for config in self.options.process_group_configs: self.add_process_group(config) self.options.process_environment() self.options.openhttpservers(self) self.options.setsignals() if (not self.options.nodaemon) and self.options.first: self.options.daemonize() # writing pid file needs to come *after* daemonizing or pid # will be wrong self.options.write_pidfile() self.runforever() finally: self.options.cleanup() def diff_to_active(self, new=None): if not new: new = self.options.process_group_configs cur = [group.config for group in self.process_groups.values()] curdict = dict(zip([cfg.name for cfg in cur], cur)) newdict = dict(zip([cfg.name for cfg in new], new)) added = [cand for cand in new if cand.name not in curdict] removed = [cand for cand in cur if cand.name not in newdict] changed = [cand for cand in new if cand != curdict.get(cand.name, cand)] return added, changed, removed def add_process_group(self, config): name = config.name if name not in self.process_groups: config.after_setuid() self.process_groups[name] = config.make_group() events.notify(events.ProcessGroupAddedEvent(name)) return True return False def remove_process_group(self, name): if self.process_groups[name].get_unstopped_processes(): return False self.process_groups[name].before_remove() del self.process_groups[name] events.notify(events.ProcessGroupRemovedEvent(name)) return True def get_process_map(self): process_map = {} for group in self.process_groups.values(): process_map.update(group.get_dispatchers()) return process_map def shutdown_report(self): unstopped = [] for group in self.process_groups.values(): unstopped.extend(group.get_unstopped_processes()) if unstopped: # throttle 'waiting for x to die' reports now = time.time() if now > (self.lastshutdownreport + 3): # every 3 secs names = [ as_string(p.config.name) for p in unstopped ] namestr = ', '.join(names) self.options.logger.info('waiting for %s to die' % namestr) self.lastshutdownreport = now for proc in unstopped: state = getProcessStateDescription(proc.get_state()) self.options.logger.blather( '%s state: %s' % (proc.config.name, state)) return unstopped def ordered_stop_groups_phase_1(self): if self.stop_groups: # stop the last group (the one with the "highest" priority) self.stop_groups[-1].stop_all() def ordered_stop_groups_phase_2(self): # after phase 1 we've transitioned and reaped, let's see if we # can remove the group we stopped from the stop_groups queue. if self.stop_groups: # pop the last group (the one with the "highest" priority) group = self.stop_groups.pop() if group.get_unstopped_processes(): # if any processes in the group aren't yet in a # stopped state, we're not yet done shutting this # group down, so push it back on to the end of the # stop group queue self.stop_groups.append(group) def runforever(self): events.notify(events.SupervisorRunningEvent()) timeout = 1 # this cannot be fewer than the smallest TickEvent (5) socket_map = self.options.get_socket_map() while 1: combined_map = {} combined_map.update(socket_map) combined_map.update(self.get_process_map()) pgroups = list(self.process_groups.values()) pgroups.sort() if self.options.mood < SupervisorStates.RUNNING: if not self.stopping: # first time, set the stopping flag, do a # notification and set stop_groups self.stopping = True self.stop_groups = pgroups[:] events.notify(events.SupervisorStoppingEvent()) self.ordered_stop_groups_phase_1() if not self.shutdown_report(): # if there are no unstopped processes (we're done # killing everything), it's OK to shutdown or reload raise asyncore.ExitNow for fd, dispatcher in combined_map.items(): if dispatcher.readable(): self.options.poller.register_readable(fd) if dispatcher.writable(): self.options.poller.register_writable(fd) r, w = self.options.poller.poll(timeout) for fd in r: if fd in combined_map: try: dispatcher = combined_map[fd] self.options.logger.blather( 'read event caused by %(dispatcher)r', dispatcher=dispatcher) dispatcher.handle_read_event() if not dispatcher.readable(): self.options.poller.unregister_readable(fd) except asyncore.ExitNow: raise except: combined_map[fd].handle_error() for fd in w: if fd in combined_map: try: dispatcher = combined_map[fd] self.options.logger.blather( 'write event caused by %(dispatcher)r', dispatcher=dispatcher) dispatcher.handle_write_event() if not dispatcher.writable(): self.options.poller.unregister_writable(fd) except asyncore.ExitNow: raise except: combined_map[fd].handle_error() for group in pgroups: group.transition() self.reap() self.handle_signal() self.tick() if self.options.mood < SupervisorStates.RUNNING: self.ordered_stop_groups_phase_2() if self.options.test: break def tick(self, now=None): """ Send one or more 'tick' events when the timeslice related to the period for the event type rolls over """ if now is None: # now won't be None in unit tests now = time.time() for event in events.TICK_EVENTS: period = event.period last_tick = self.ticks.get(period) if last_tick is None: # we just started up last_tick = self.ticks[period] = timeslice(period, now) this_tick = timeslice(period, now) if this_tick != last_tick: self.ticks[period] = this_tick events.notify(event(this_tick, self)) def reap(self, once=False, recursionguard=0): if recursionguard == 100: return pid, sts = self.options.waitpid() if pid: process = self.options.pidhistory.get(pid, None) if process is None: self.options.logger.info('reaped unknown pid %s' % pid) else: process.finish(pid, sts) del self.options.pidhistory[pid] if not once: # keep reaping until no more kids to reap, but don't recurse # infintely self.reap(once=False, recursionguard=recursionguard+1) def handle_signal(self): sig = self.options.get_signal() if sig: if sig in (signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGQUIT): self.options.logger.warn( 'received %s indicating exit request' % signame(sig)) self.options.mood = SupervisorStates.SHUTDOWN elif sig == signal.SIGHUP: if self.options.mood == SupervisorStates.SHUTDOWN: self.options.logger.warn( 'ignored %s indicating restart request (shutdown in progress)' % signame(sig)) else: self.options.logger.warn( 'received %s indicating restart request' % signame(sig)) self.options.mood = SupervisorStates.RESTARTING elif sig == signal.SIGCHLD: self.options.logger.debug( 'received %s indicating a child quit' % signame(sig)) elif sig == signal.SIGUSR2: self.options.logger.info( 'received %s indicating log reopen request' % signame(sig)) self.options.reopenlogs() for group in self.process_groups.values(): group.reopenlogs() else: self.options.logger.blather( 'received %s indicating nothing' % signame(sig)) def get_state(self): return self.options.mood def timeslice(period, when): return int(when - (when % period)) # profile entry point def profile(cmd, globals, locals, sort_order, callers): # pragma: no cover try: import cProfile as profile except ImportError: import profile import pstats import tempfile fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp() try: profile.runctx(cmd, globals, locals, fn) stats = pstats.Stats(fn) stats.strip_dirs() # calls,time,cumulative and cumulative,calls,time are useful stats.sort_stats(*sort_order or ('cumulative', 'calls', 'time')) if callers: stats.print_callers(.3) else: stats.print_stats(.3) finally: os.remove(fn) # Main program def main(args=None, test=False): assert os.name == "posix", "This code makes Unix-specific assumptions" # if we hup, restart by making a new Supervisor() first = True while 1: options = ServerOptions() options.realize(args, doc=__doc__) options.first = first options.test = test if options.profile_options: sort_order, callers = options.profile_options profile('go(options)', globals(), locals(), sort_order, callers) else: go(options) options.close_httpservers() options.close_logger() first = False if test or (options.mood < SupervisorStates.RESTARTING): break def go(options): # pragma: no cover d = Supervisor(options) try: d.main() except asyncore.ExitNow: pass if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover main()