from __future__ import absolute_import import warnings import jinja2 from jinja2.ext import Extension from jinja2 import nodes from webassets import Bundle from webassets.loaders import GlobLoader, LoaderError from webassets.exceptions import ImminentDeprecationWarning __all__ = ('assets', 'Jinja2Loader',) class AssetsExtension(Extension): """ As opposed to the Django tag, this tag is slightly more capable due to the expressive powers inherited from Jinja. For example: {% assets "src1.js", "src2.js", get_src3(), filter=("jsmin", "gzip"), output=get_output() %} {% endassets %} """ tags = set(['assets']) BundleClass = Bundle # Helpful for mocking during tests. def __init__(self, environment): super(AssetsExtension, self).__init__(environment) # Add the defaults to the environment environment.extend( assets_environment=None, ) def parse(self, parser): lineno = next( files = [] output = nodes.Const(None) filters = nodes.Const(None) dbg = nodes.Const(None) depends = nodes.Const(None) # Parse the arguments first = True while != 'block_end': if not first:'comma') first = False # Lookahead to see if this is an assignment (an option) if'name') and'assign'): name = next( value = parser.parse_expression() if name == 'filters': filters = value elif name == 'filter': filters = value warnings.warn('The "filter" option of the {%% assets %%} ' 'template tag has been renamed to ' '"filters" for consistency reasons ' '(line %s).' % lineno, ImminentDeprecationWarning) elif name == 'output': output = value elif name == 'debug': dbg = value elif name == 'depends': depends = value else:'Invalid keyword argument: %s' % name) # Otherwise assume a source file is given, which may be any # expression, except note that strings are handled separately above. else: expression = parser.parse_expression() if isinstance(expression, (nodes.List, nodes.Tuple)): files.extend(expression.iter_child_nodes()) else: files.append(expression) # Parse the contents of this tag body = parser.parse_statements(['name:endassets'], drop_needle=True) # We want to make some values available to the body of our tag. # Specifically, the file url(s) (ASSET_URL), and any extra dict set in # the bundle (EXTRA). # # A short interlope: I would have preferred to make the values of the # extra dict available directly. Unfortunately, the way Jinja2 does # things makes this problematic. I'll explain. # # Jinja2 generates Python code from it's AST which it then executes. # So the way extensions implement making custom variables available to # a block of code is by generating a ``CallBlock``, which essentially # wraps our child nodes in a Python function. The arguments of this # function are the values that are available to our tag contents. # # But we need to generate this ``CallBlock`` now, during parsing, and # right now we don't know the actual ``Bundle.extra`` values yet. We # only resolve the bundle during rendering! # # This would easily be solved if Jinja2 where to allow extensions to # scope it's context, which is a dict of values that templates can # access, just like in Django (you might see on occasion # ``context.resolve('foo')`` calls in Jinja2's generated code). # However, it seems the context is essentially only for the initial # set of data passed to render(). There are some statements by Armin # that this might change at some point, but I've run into this problem # before, and I'm not holding my breath. # # I **really** did try to get around this, including crazy things like # inserting custom Python code by patching the tag child nodes:: # # rv = object.__new__(nodes.InternalName) # # l_EXTRA is the argument we defined for the CallBlock/Macro # # Letting Jinja define l_kwargs is also possible # nodes.Node.__init__(rv, '; context.vars.update(l_EXTRA)', # lineno=lineno) # # Scope required to ensure our code on top # body = [rv, nodes.Scope(body)] # # This custom code would run at the top of the function in which the # CallBlock node would wrap the code generated from our tag's child # nodes. Note that it actually does works, but doesn't clear the values # at the end of the scope). # # If it is possible to do this, it certainly isn't reasonable/ # # There is of course another option altogether: Simple resolve the tag # definition to a bundle right here and now, thus get access to the # extra dict, make all values arguments to the CallBlock (Limited to # 255 arguments to a Python function!). And while that would work fine # in 99% of cases, it wouldn't be correct. The compiled template could # be cached and used with different bundles/environments, and this # would require the bundle to resolve at parse time, and hardcode it's # extra values. # # Interlope end. # # Summary: We have to be satisfied with a single EXTRA variable. args = [nodes.Name('ASSET_URL', 'param'), nodes.Name('EXTRA', 'param')] # Return a ``CallBlock``, which means Jinja2 will call a Python method # of ours when the tag needs to be rendered. That method can then # render the template body. call = self.call_method( # Note: Changing the args here requires updating ``Jinja2Loader`` '_render_assets', args=[filters, output, dbg, depends, nodes.List(files)]) call_block = nodes.CallBlock(call, args, [], body) call_block.set_lineno(lineno) return call_block @classmethod def resolve_contents(cls, contents, env): """Resolve bundle names.""" result = [] for f in contents: try: result.append(env[f]) except KeyError: result.append(f) return result def _render_assets(self, filter, output, dbg, depends, files, caller=None): env = self.environment.assets_environment if env is None: raise RuntimeError('No assets environment configured in '+ 'Jinja2 environment') # Construct a bundle with the given options bundle_kwargs = { 'output': output, 'filters': filter, 'debug': dbg, 'depends': depends, } bundle = self.BundleClass( *self.resolve_contents(files, env), **bundle_kwargs) # Retrieve urls (this may or may not cause a build) with bundle.bind(env): urls = bundle.urls() # For each url, execute the content of this template tag (represented # by the macro ```caller`` given to use by Jinja2). result = u"" for url in urls: result += caller(url, bundle.extra) return result assets = AssetsExtension # nicer import name class Jinja2Loader(GlobLoader): """Parse all the Jinja2 templates in the given directory, try to find bundles in active use. Try all the given environments to parse the template, until we succeed. """ def __init__(self, assets_env, directories, jinja2_envs, charset='utf8', jinja_ext='*.html'): self.asset_env = assets_env self.directories = directories self.jinja2_envs = jinja2_envs self.charset = charset self.jinja_ext = jinja_ext def load_bundles(self): bundles = [] for template_dir in self.directories: for filename in self.glob_files((template_dir, self.jinja_ext)): bundles.extend(self.with_file(filename, self._parse) or []) return bundles def _parse(self, filename, contents): for i, env in enumerate(self.jinja2_envs): try: t = env.parse(contents.decode(self.charset)) except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError as e: #print ('jinja parser (env %d) failed: %s'% (i, e)) pass else: result = [] def _recurse_node(node_to_search): for node in node_to_search.iter_child_nodes(): if isinstance(node, jinja2.nodes.Call): if isinstance(node.node, jinja2.nodes.ExtensionAttribute)\ and node.node.identifier == AssetsExtension.identifier: filter, output, dbg, depends, files = node.args bundle = Bundle( *AssetsExtension.resolve_contents(files.as_const(), self.asset_env), **{ 'output': output.as_const(), 'depends': depends.as_const(), 'filters': filter.as_const()}) result.append(bundle) else: _recurse_node(node) for node in t.iter_child_nodes(): _recurse_node(node) return result else: raise LoaderError('Jinja parser failed on %s, tried %d environments' % ( filename, len(self.jinja2_envs))) return False